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systemd-daemonized Cloudflare DDNS service


cfddns is a systemd-daemonized Cloudflare DDNS service. It updates the A/AAAA records of domains with your current IP address.



You can install this program using the provided Makefile. The make command needs to be executed with root permissions. Alternatively, you can install this program manually following the commands in the Makefile.

git clone
cd cfddns
sudo make install


You can also remove this program from the system using the Makefile.

sudo make uninstall

Enabling DDNS for a Domain

Suppose the domains we want to sync is

1. Create a new config file for the domain you want to sync

Make sure that the config file has permission 600. This ensures that no users other than root can read the API token. You can create a config file for each of the domains you wish to sync:

sudo cp /etc/cfddns/template.yaml /etc/cfddns/
sudo cp /etc/cfddns/template.yaml /etc/cfddns/

Alternatively, since the two domains are both subdomains under the same top-level domain (TLD), you can create one config file for the TLD. cfddns will try to match the exact config file first. If it cannot find a config with the exact domain name, it will try to find the TLD's config file.

sudo cp /etc/cfddns/template.yaml /etc/cfddns/

2. Get a Cloudflare API token and add it into the config file

Use an editor to open the file /etc/cfddns/, and edit this line:


3. Enable the systemd service for the domain

sudo systemctl enable --now [email protected]

4. Verify that DDNS is working

dig +short

Disabling DDNS for a Domain

Use the command below to list all enabled domains.

systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running | grep cfddns

Disable the service for the domain you wish to disable.

sudo systemctl disable --now [email protected]
