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Local / Remote Unit "3.0" Functionality
Replace the current master/slave terminology with local and remote units. Implement all of the current master/slave commands as backslash commands and add new ones so that the remote unit can act autonomously. This would mean that the remote could do slow start, slow down, etc. and drive stepper motors as master to slave control of remote pins is not fast enough to do these functions.
Also, the remote should shutdown any rotation actions if it loses contact with the local unit for more than X seconds.
Proposed Local / Remote Commands:
\AZ - query AZ \EL - query EL \AS - AZ status \ES - EL Status \PG - Ping \GA - go to AZ \GE - go to EL \RL - rotate left \RR - rotate right \RU - elevate up \RD - elevate down \SA - stop azimuth rotation \SE - stop elevation rotation \SS - stop all rotation
\DOxx - digital pin initialize as output; xx = pin # (01, 02, A0,etc.) \DIxx - digital pin initialize as input; xx = pin # \DPxx - digital pin initialize as input with pullup; xx = pin # \DRxx - digital pin read; xx = pin # \DLxx - digital pin write low; xx = pin # \DHxx - digital pin write high; xx = pin # \DTxxyyyy - digital pin tone output; xx = pin #, yyyy = frequency \NTxx - no tone; xx = pin # \ARxx - analog pin read; xx = pin # \AWxxyyy - analog pin write; xx = pin #, yyy = value to write (0 - 255) \SWxy - serial write byte; x = serial port # (0, 1, 2, 3), y = byte to write \SDx - deactivate serial read event; x = port # \SSxyyyyyy... - serial write sting; x = port #, yyyy = string of characters to send (variable length) \SAx - activate serial read event; x = port # \RB - reboot \CL - read the clock
Replace the current master/slave terminology with local and remote units. Implement all of the current master/slave commands as backslash commands and add new ones so that the remote unit can act autonomously. This would mean that the remote could do slow start, slow down, etc. and drive stepper motors as master to slave control of remote pins is not fast enough to do these functions.
Also, the remote should shutdown any rotation actions if it loses contact with the local unit for more than X seconds.
Proposed Local / Remote Commands:
\AZ - query AZ \EL - query EL \AS - AZ status \ES - EL Status \PG - Ping \GA - go to AZ \GE - go to EL \RL - rotate left \RR - rotate right \RU - elevate up \RD - elevate down \SA - stop azimuth rotation \SE - stop elevation rotation \SS - stop all rotation
\DOxx - digital pin initialize as output; xx = pin # (01, 02, A0,etc.) \DIxx - digital pin initialize as input; xx = pin # \DPxx - digital pin initialize as input with pullup; xx = pin # \DRxx - digital pin read; xx = pin # \DLxx - digital pin write low; xx = pin # \DHxx - digital pin write high; xx = pin # \DTxxyyyy - digital pin tone output; xx = pin #, yyyy = frequency \NTxx - no tone; xx = pin # \ARxx - analog pin read; xx = pin # \AWxxyyy - analog pin write; xx = pin #, yyy = value to write (0 - 255) \SWxy - serial write byte; x = serial port # (0, 1, 2, 3), y = byte to write \SDx - deactivate serial read event; x = port # \SSxyyyyyy... - serial write sting; x = port #, yyyy = string of characters to send (variable length) \SAx - activate serial read event; x = port # \RB - reboot \CL - read the clock
Hi Anthony. I know that is very time-consuming, but is there a chance to fully implement the above assumptions? I can see that your commad suggestions are able to solve my problems with starting Master-Slave configuration like in this message: https://github.com/k3ng/k3ng_rotator_controller/issues/88 and here: https://groups.io/g/radioartisan/topic/83987123?p=,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,%23arduinorotatorcontroller,20,2,0,83987123,ct=1&ct=1
Thank you in advance for any help. 73 , Andrzej SQ8CBU