
Results 138 comments of k3b

i tried to upgrade google libs from `com.android.support:*:24.0.0` to `com.android.support:*:24.2.0` because the used AppBarLayout was new in version 24.0.0 but the result is still the same :-(. the source code...

Next f-droid release will have min-sdk set to android-5. If somebody is interested to create a layout-verson that works with older than android-5.0 merge requests that reference this ticket are...

@luca-e075e thanks for reporting. english fixed and italian updates will be available in next release 1.27

@letypequividelespoubelles i just added the latest english translation vocabulary to https://crowdin.com/project/acastus-photon-adress2geotrans/. With this "Enter Address / POI" is available for translation.

does this help ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9993424/how-to-add-images-in-jtextpane

Just for your info: if you want to store gpx in a zip file together with image-file the spec for kmz files (kml-zipped for google maps xml-kml format) might be...

Today (2022-12-07) i downloaded https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/kmz and imported it into pinpoi without any issue. using pinpoi version 1.9.0 from F-droid

> whc-en.kml: line 98, char 185, byte 3716: Expecting bytes in the following ranges: 00..7F C2..F4. Notepad++ decodes whc-en.kml: line 98, char 185 as [‘] which is equivalent to [&...