execop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
execop copied to clipboard

ExeCop is a checker that check commands and environment variables before execute command.


ExeCop is a checker that check commands and environment variables before execute command.



If you use Zsh, add the following line to your .zshrc

. /path/to/execop.zsh

If you use Bash, add the following line to your .bashrc

. /path/to/execop.bash


Put .execop file to /path/to/dir like .htaccess.

.execop file looks like following code

deny when command_match destroy
confirm when command_match rm
confirm when env_eq AWS_PROFILE=production

.execop file format

deny when command_match destroy
[action] when [matcher] [command or environment value]
deny deny command if macther match
confirm insert yes/no confirm if macther match
command_match command ~= value
command_not_match ! command ~= value
command_eq command = value
command_not_eq command != value
env_eq $SOMEENV = value
env_not_eq $SOMEENV != value