Kosuke Isobe
Kosuke Isobe
FAB is opened after must be closing. You can execute the toggle method. I was added toggle method in docs. https://github.com/k0sukey/be.k0suke.tifab#programmatically-toggle e.g. ``` function doToggle() { var modal = Ti.UI.createWindow();...
I fixed. I think cause that's the same as #3.
OK, I was confirmed in iPad on landscape. Give me time.
I think the behavior of the ListView and TableView when SplitWindow is rotated is wrong to. Of course, without this module. I think it can be avoided in this code....
Sorry, I forgot...
https://github.com/k0sukey/TiISRefreshControl/commit/831ef3f6bf79b1c901a89c1d092002716a20727b Show scrollbar in this commit.
1, Try this code. ``` $.test.getView().addEventListener('click',function(){alert('test');}); $.test.getView().fireEvent('test'); ``` 2 and 3, This widget is `Ti.UI.Label`. So if you want to use the title of the `Ti.UI.Button`, then use the library...
Okay, I was rebuild in 3.4.0.GA. And added 64bit architecture support.
Open `TiUIListView+DKLiveBlur.m` and cmd + click `#import "ImageLoader.h"` Edit the import paths ``` #import "ASIHTTPRequest.h" #import "ASINetworkQueue.h" ``` to ``` #import "ASI/ASIHTTPRequest.h" #import "ASI/ASINetworkQueue.h" ```
Yes, but this chenge required... Please use the builded zip file.