truetype_Arduino copied to clipboard
display truetype font for Arduino
Display truetype font for Arduino
Read truetype(.ttf) from FS(ex. SD/SPIFFS/FATFS) and write framebuffer.
- Read TrueType files ('cmap' format4).
- Write any string to the user's framebuffer.
- Supports "Simple glyphs" and part of "Compound glyphs".
- Set font size, position, color, spacing, Rotate.
- Centered and right aligned strings. By getting the length of the string.
- Read the 'kern' table (format0) and kerning.
- Beautifully arrange characters based on the 'hmtx' table.
TrueType™ Reference Manual
The native library for STM32 is here.
Standard code
//TrueType class declaration
truetypeClass truetype = truetypeClass();
uint8_t *framebuffer;
void setup() {
//Prepare a frame buffer
framebuffer = (uint8_t *)calloc(sizeof(uint8_t), FRAMEBUFFER_SIZE);
//Read TrueType file
//Example in SPIFFS
//I think that SD, FATFS and other codes will be almost the same
File fontFile ="/FONTFILE.ttf", "r");
//Set framebuffer array in TrueType class
//Pay attention to the format of the framebuffer
truetype.setFramebuffer(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 4, 0, framebuffer);
//Initial reading of ttf files
if (!truetype.setTtfFile(fontFile)) {
Serial.println("read ttf failed");
//TrueType class string parameter settings
truetype.setTextBoundary(10, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT);
truetype.setTextColor(0x00, 0x00);
//Write a string to the framebuffer
truetype.textDraw(10, 10, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
//Export framebuffer to screen
uint8_t setTtfFile(File _file, uint8_t _checkCheckSum = 0);
- Set the ttf file read from SD, SPIFFS, FATFS, etc.
- File _file : ttf file.
- Return : 1 = read successful, 0 = read failure.
void setFramebuffer(uint16_t _framebufferWidth, uint16_t _framebufferHeight, uint16_t _framebuffer_bit, uint8_t _framebufferDirection, uint8_t *_framebuffer);
- Framebuffer settings.
- uint16_t _framebufferWidth : Framebuffer width.
- uint16_t _framebufferHeight : Framebuffer eight.
- uint16_t _framebuffer_bit : The number of bits per pixel. (1,4,8bit implemented)
- uint8_t _framebufferDirection : Bit orientation.
- See Framebuffer format
- uint8_t *_framebuffer : Framebuffer pointer.
- If you want it to correspond to your own framebuffer, edit the addPixel function. If you add code, please share it!
void setCharacterSpacing(int16_t _characterSpace, uint8_t _kerning = 1);
- Setting the width between characters.
- int16_t _characterSpace : Width value between characters.
- uint8_t _kerning : Read and use ttf 'kern' table. 1:'kern' + _characterSpace. 0: _characterSpace.
void setCharacterSize(uint16_t _characterSize);
- Font size setting.
- uint16_t _characterSize : Character height.
void setTextBoundary(uint16_t _start_x, uint16_t _end_x, uint16_t _end_y);
- Setting the string range.
- Coordinate axes rotate with "setTextRotation"
- uint16_t _start_x : The starting point x of the character string when a line break occurs.
- uint16_t _end_x : The final point x when breaking a line.
- uint16_t _end_y : The final point y when breaking a line.
- Setting the string range.
void setTextColor(uint8_t _onLine, uint8_t _inside);
- Text color setting.
- uint8_t _onLine : Character outline color.
- uint8_t _inside : Text fill color.
void setTextRotation(uint8_t _rotation);
Text rotation
- Rotate along with the coordinate axes. The image is the following image.
- Rotate along with the coordinate axes. The image is the following image.
uint8_t _rotation : rotation angle.
void textDraw(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, const wchar_t _character[]);
- Write a string to the framebuffer.
- uint16_t _x : String start point x.
- uint16_t _y : String start point y.
- const wchar_t _character[] : String pointer (double-byte character).
void textDraw(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, const char _character[]);
- Write a string to the framebuffer.
- uint16_t _x : String start point x.
- uint16_t _y : String start point y.
- const char _character[] : String pointer (single-byte character).
void textDraw(uint16_t _x, uint16_t _y, const String _string);
- Write a string to the framebuffer.
- uint16_t _x : String start point x.
- uint16_t _y : String start point y.
- const String _string : String pointer (String type).
uint16_t getStringWidth(const wchar_t _character[]);
- const wchar_t _character[] : String pointer (double-byte character).
- Return : The length of the string. Automatic line breaks are not considered.
- Can be used for text align center/right.
uint16_t getStringWidth(const char _character[]);
- const char _character[] : String pointer (single-byte character).
- Return : The length of the string. Automatic line breaks are not considered.
- Can be used for text align center/right.
uint16_t getStringWidth(const String _string);
- const String _string : String pointer (String type).
- Return : The length of the string. Automatic line breaks are not considered.
- Can be used for text align center/right.
void end();
- Close font file.
Framebuffer format
Bit orientation when storing information for multiple pixels per byte of the framebuffer.
The types of framebuffers are broadly divided according to this direction.
Currently supported: Horizontal - 1,4,8bit
Example with 1bit / 1pixel
Example with 1bit / 1pixel
- Fixed problem that some font files could not be read.
- Handling Bezier curves.
- It supports up to 3rd order Bezier curves, but 4th order and above are drawn as straight lines.
- Outline color and the fill color can be set individually.
- Supports writing to arrays. Fonts are drawn in some form of framebuffer(uint8_t array).
- Kerning by reading the 'kern' table.
- Read 'hmtx' table and adjust layout.
- Efficient filling process.
Future work
- Full support for "Compound glyphs"
- Diversification of supported framebuffer formats.
- Only support for 'cmap' format 4 and 'kern' format0 is supported.
- Correction that some files can not be read.
- Unable to read ttf file if file name is long(STM32F103).
- Faster glyph reading.
- Decrease usage of SRAM.
- Handling of Bezier curve(When exceeding 3 dimensions. Currently, provisional processing).
Draw framebuffer
- Text from the right
- Underline
Confirmed controller
- Full color
- Mono
Feel free to post any bugs or ideas for fixes and improvements!
Confirm the copyright of the font file. I did not distribute font files.
It is based on the code by garretlab and changed.