Kathryn Doering

Results 90 issues of Kathryn Doering

Specifying the f values to have `"rnorm(75, 0.2, 0.08)"` in the ss3sim dataframe results in the same sequence of F's for each iteration within a scenario, but different sequences of...

topic --- OM
status --- high priority
type --- feature

The [self testing section](https://ss3sim.github.io/ss3sim/vignettes/introduction.html#deterministic) needs to be updated, as @latreesedenson-noaa and I found that some additional changes needed to be made to get a "deterministic" run from the cod model.

topic --- vignette
status --- wip

The par file of the OM is renamed ss3.par within the ss3sim source coce, but should be left as ss.par, which is the default in 3.30. I don't think this...

topic --- OM

Imported from redmine, Issue [#68522](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/68522) Opened by @RickMethot on 2019-09-12 Status when imported: New When there are multiple areas, it is cumbersome to have SS create a main rec dev...

area & movement

Imported from redmine, Issue [#72712](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/72712) Opened by @k-doering-NOAA on 2019-12-19 Status when imported: New This is a wishlist item to isolate the growth process so it can completely be bypasses...


THe [NOAA branding guides](https://sites.google.com/noaa.gov/inside-fisheries-comms/communications/products-and-services/brand-guidance-and-templates) includes other style elements, e.g., fonts. Maybe this should also be part of nmfspalette (or alternatively, maybe it is out of scope)? This idea was inspired...


For this warning: https://github.com/nmfs-stock-synthesis/stock-synthesis/blob/7c4cbd501ae20cd5dca0fc8c18febd97324fde9f/SS_readdata_330.tpl#L529 I was wondering if a suggestion about what should be done should be added (e.g., add a really small value like 0.001 amount of catch) to...


@e-perl-NOAA is working on making SSMSE compatible with SS3.30.21. This is because a user needs a feature that is only available in 3.30.21 and newer. SSMSE will continue to work...

status: in progress

Thanks to @mkapur-noaa for reporting the following issue: As an aside, our implementation of the helper function didn't get us there at first because we actually had two separate chunks...


Use the user manual classifications: https://nmfs-fish-tools.github.io/SSMSE/manual/intro.html#funs Some exported functions are not useful to users (they are exported so examples can run, I believe). How to curate pkgdown reference: https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/pkgdown.html#reference
