Kathryn Doering
Kathryn Doering
Specifying the f values to have `"rnorm(75, 0.2, 0.08)"` in the ss3sim dataframe results in the same sequence of F's for each iteration within a scenario, but different sequences of...
The [self testing section](https://ss3sim.github.io/ss3sim/vignettes/introduction.html#deterministic) needs to be updated, as @latreesedenson-noaa and I found that some additional changes needed to be made to get a "deterministic" run from the cod model.
The par file of the OM is renamed ss3.par within the ss3sim source coce, but should be left as ss.par, which is the default in 3.30. I don't think this...
Imported from redmine, Issue [#68522](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/68522) Opened by @RickMethot on 2019-09-12 Status when imported: New When there are multiple areas, it is cumbersome to have SS create a main rec dev...
Imported from redmine, Issue [#72712](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/72712) Opened by @k-doering-NOAA on 2019-12-19 Status when imported: New This is a wishlist item to isolate the growth process so it can completely be bypasses...
THe [NOAA branding guides](https://sites.google.com/noaa.gov/inside-fisheries-comms/communications/products-and-services/brand-guidance-and-templates) includes other style elements, e.g., fonts. Maybe this should also be part of nmfspalette (or alternatively, maybe it is out of scope)? This idea was inspired...
For this warning: https://github.com/nmfs-stock-synthesis/stock-synthesis/blob/7c4cbd501ae20cd5dca0fc8c18febd97324fde9f/SS_readdata_330.tpl#L529 I was wondering if a suggestion about what should be done should be added (e.g., add a really small value like 0.001 amount of catch) to...
@e-perl-NOAA is working on making SSMSE compatible with SS3.30.21. This is because a user needs a feature that is only available in 3.30.21 and newer. SSMSE will continue to work...
Thanks to @mkapur-noaa for reporting the following issue: As an aside, our implementation of the helper function didn't get us there at first because we actually had two separate chunks...
Use the user manual classifications: https://nmfs-fish-tools.github.io/SSMSE/manual/intro.html#funs Some exported functions are not useful to users (they are exported so examples can run, I believe). How to curate pkgdown reference: https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/articles/pkgdown.html#reference