Kathryn Doering
Kathryn Doering
@editorialbot check references
@lorenzo-rovigatti thanks for the suggestion! I gave it a try, (with a few variations of using escapes and grouping using curly braces) but the editorial bot is still marking the...
## Review checklist for @k-doering-NOAA ### Conflict of interest - [x] I confirm that I have read the [JOSS conflict of interest (COI) policy](https://github.com/openjournals/joss/blob/master/COI.md) and that: I have no COIs...
@mikemahoney218 I wanted to report one potential COI: Jay Ver Hoef and I are both employed by NOAA Fisheries, although at different offices (I'm at the Office of Science and...
@mikemahoney218 thanks - I thought it could be waived as well upon seeing that line in the JOSS documentation, but wanted to report just in case. I am able to...
@michaeldumelle et al., fantastic work! A nicely written article and R package. I just completed the first pass through my checklist. I did feel there were [two small pieces of...
[Miller and Brooks 2021](https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12534)
comment from @kellijohnson-NOAA on 2020-01-24: The current behaviour of SS with respect to "last year of main recr_devs" is not consistent. Some of which is noted above, but not all....
comment from @RickMethot on 2019-11-07: better to do this to allow movement to be specific to sex, GP, settlement best to do this as a list of movement patterns and...
comment from @RickMethot on 2019-11-08: richard.methot wrote: > better to do this to allow movement to be specific to sex, GP, settlement > best to do this as a list...