Kathryn Doering
Kathryn Doering
Thanks @Rick-Methot-NOAA , I forgot that point. I think for github actions there is a runtime limit of 6 hours? This may have changed since I last looked, though.
That mcmc job is just checking that the sampling is repeatable and hence the NUTS algorithm in ADMB is compatible with ss3 ; I think this should be left open...
The test set up now is different than the one this issue describes.
No, this was not done - it's possible I marked it off on my project board realizing I was not going to have time for it before changing jobs!
Good idea, Rick! Markdown is much more readable. Just in case it is useful, I often refer to this [github markdown cheatsheet](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/#syntax) as a reminder of the formatting options. Another...
It seems like a great idea to improve documentation as code is reviewed! It just occured to me that we could potentially use an already existing documentation system, like [doxygen](https://www.doxygen.nl/index.html),...
I think we would have change to doxygen's way of doing things (I'm guessing this based on my experience with Roxygen, where you have to use specific tags to create...
Thanks for looking into this, Neal - that is a shame to hear! Hmm, I wonder if using the EXTENSION_MAPPING configuration argument to map .tpl files to C++ (or some...
@Rick-Methot-NOAA , should this issue be closed since the ss3 dev team won't be working this issue?
comment from @RickMethot on 2020-02-28: per Andre Punt