protocol-buffers copied to clipboard
Add strict ByteString support
Exposed API use lazy bytestrings, however internally protobuf works with strict chunks. Some libraries can provide stream of strict bytestrings directly. Having an API which accepts strict bytestrings will allow to get get rid of unnecessary wrapping when feeding protobuf deserializer. Example:
protobufSink :: (Monad m, ReflectDescriptor a, Wire a) => ConduitT ByteString {- strict, taken from http-conduit -} o m a
protobufSink = do
maybeInput <- await
case maybeInput of
Just input -> go $ runGet messageGetM (LBS.fromStrict input) {- unnecessary wrapping -}
go (Failed i s) = fail ("Failed at "++show i++" : "++s)
go (Finished _ _ a) = return a
go (Partial f) = f . fmap LBS.fromStrict {- unnecessary wrapping -} <$> await >>= go
Nothing -> fail "No input."