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A Managed User system (for Meteor), with a single administrator account (admin), with the ability to create/modify accounts, and set permissions.
ManagedUsers for Meteor
This is a simple package for making Meteor's default Accounts system more managed. With it, you will get:
- A single "admin" account (default password is "abc123"...obviously change this).
- A permissions system, which by default has no permissions (so, it's optional).
- Templates for adding, updating, and deleting user accounts.
- This package will prevent users from creating their own accounts.
This README will certainly need more details, but for now, I'll just go over the basics to get the system up and running.
Install using Meteorite:
mrt add managedUsers
Meteor Package Requirements: accounts-password, email
*The 'bootstrap-3' and 'accounts-ui-bootstrap-3' from Atmosphere are included as dependencies in smart.json.*
*A minified version of Bootbox.js (, is also included. (v4.2.0)*
Then just add the ` {{> managedUsers}} ` template wherever you want the management interface to be.
Handlebars Helpers
There are a few helpers to make life easier:
* isAdmin: Will return true when the currently logged in user is "admin". I would suggest wrapping the managedUsers template in a ` {{#if isAdmin}}...{{/if}} ` block. (But the server-side methods also check that the user is "admin".)
* profileName: Just displays the name of the currently logged in user.
* emailAddress: Returns the email address of the passed user, like: ` {{emailAddress user}} `
* hasPermission: Returns true if the currently logged in user has the passed permission, like: ` {{hasPermission 'permissionName'}} ` (It will also return true if the logged in user is "admin".)
Adding Permissions
Just add the below function somewhere where both the server and client have access to it, and then return an object of key/value pairs.
ManagedUsers.availablePermissions = function() {
// Return an object of key/value pairs, like: {permissionName: "Permission Description", ....}
// Do this in a file accessible by both the server and client.
return {};
Testing for Permissions
accepts a string of the permission's name, and then returns a boolean if the current user has that permission.
To Do
- Incorporate a better Error pattern (like the one in the Discover Meteor book)
- Implement Roles