Jonathan Zacsh
Jonathan Zacsh
i'm guessing search index updated and now there's actually _four_ **duplicates of the same work**: 1. [`/works/OL17356798W`]( 2. [`/works/OL20040818W`]( 3. [`/works/OL21320871W`]( 4. [`/works/OL20791728W`]( also in the sidebar you can see...
okay last update, in case i'm just causing noise for veteran OL folks :) i'm going to leave this for mek and others familiar with OL to sort out, but...
CRDTs maybe? I think the patch approach makes sense but will result in merge conflicts and the complex user experience the ensues, whereas CRDTs might solve this problem more smoothly....
I agree it could be technically-simpler to use e-tag, but it's of course more complex for users to resolve (and depending on workflow this might happen a lot). Both are...
Yeah, that makes sense. I suppose I take my laptop places a lot though (to the office, out to a bar/cafe, etc.) so maybe that's why I run into this...
**tl;dr** `pidcat-git` Fixed. I've just updated the `pidcat-git` AUR package a few minutes ago, so it's working again; instructions [above still correct](#issuecomment-37421877) (at some point between that [last 2015 comment](#issuecomment-134278360)...