
Results 249 issues of jyn

```console $ cat src/lib.rs extern "C" { fn xsave64(p: *mut u8, hi: u32, lo: u32) -> /* comment */ (); } $ cargo +nightly clippy --fix -Z unstable-options $ git...

I want to run `cargo geiger` on the `tree_magic` library. However, geiger tries to run on the binary as well, leading to a compile error: ``` error[E0463]: can't find crate...

help wanted

Currently, errors look like this: ``` {"message":"can't find crate for `clap`","code":{"code":"E0463","explanation":"\nA plugin/crate was declared but cannot be found. Erroneous code example:\n\n```compile_fail,E0463\n#![feature(plugin)]\n#![plugin(cookie_monster)] // error: can't find crate for `cookie_monster`\nextern crate cake_is_a_lie;...

help wanted

`log`: [GitHub](https://github.com/rust-lang/log), [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/log) Reverse dependencies: ~~4456~~ [many](https://crates.io/crates/log/reverse_dependencies), including `rand`, `env_logger`, and `tokio`. I was surprised to see so many usages of unsafe in a logging crate: ``` Functions Expressions Impls...

Imagine a simple C++ project with `main.c++` and `helper.c++`. One possible execution for Ekam is: 1. Compile main.c++ -> main.o 2. Attempt to link main.o -> `main` (since it has...

Right now, when a C++ file fails to compile, Ekam will output something like this for each C++ file in the whole project: ``` ✘ link: kj/debug-test.o ld.lld: error: undefined...

Right now, Ekam's only rule is "build everything you know how to build" (where "how to build" is determined by `.ekam-rule` files). This is great for building binaries, but makes...

Due to Ekam's build model, it doesn't know whether a task will succeed later when more dependencies have finished building. As a result, it waits until *all* tasks have failed...

```rust const MAIN_USAGE: &str = " Usage: cargo deadlinks [--dir ] "; fn main() { let args: MainArgs = Docopt::new(MAIN_USAGE) .and_then(|d| { d.version(Some(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_owned())) .deserialize() }) .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()); dbg!(&args); ``` ```...

```c struct s { int i, j; }; int f(struct s my_s) { return my_s.i; } thread 'main' panicked at 'INVALID encountered', /home/joshua/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/cranelift-codegen-0.51.0/src/ir/types.rs:322:28 ``` Same bug for returning structs: ```c...
