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Using JTAG on STM32F103C8T6 to get device ID(IDCODE) and utilize other JTAG instructions such as BYPASS, EXTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD. Tera Term is used with UART to have a command-line interface (CLI) to u...

JTAG Boundary Scan License: MIT

This project explores the JTAG boundary scan by using STM32F103C8T6. JTAG instructions such as BYPASS, IDCODE, SAMPLE/PRELOAD and EXTEST will be usued to test the JTAG device(s) in STM32F103C8T6. Moreover, a command-line interface (CLI) was setup using Tera Term and UART in the microcontroller to ease the testing.

Table of Contents

  • JTAG Boundary Scan
    • Table of Contents
    • Requirements for this repo
    • What is JTAG?
    • JTAG Instructions
      • 1.BYPASS
      • 2. IDCODE
      • 4. EXTEST
    • JTAG I/O signals
    • Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL)
      • What is BSDL?
      • How to read BSDL?
        • Instruction Opcode and length
        • Device IDCODE
        • Boundary Scan Cells and Registers Informations
    • Result
      • Information required for JTAG Boundary Scan
        • 1. Instruction opcode for different TAP devices
        • 2. Device ID for both TAP devices
        • 3. Value to write at boundary scan cell
        • 4. Hardware schematic of this project
      • System Workbench for STM32
        • 1. IDCODE
        • 2. BYPASS
        • 3. SAMPLE/PRELOAD
        • 4. EXTEST
      • Command-line interface (CLI)
        • 1. IDCODE
        • 2. BYPASS
        • 3. SAMPLE/PRELOAD
        • 4. EXTEST
    • Future Enhancement
    • References

Requirements for this repo


  1. STM32F103 Blue Pill/ Black Pill x 1
  2. SMT32 Smart V2.0 x 2
  3. USB to TTL converter x 1
  4. LED(s)
  5. 100 Ω resistor x 3


  1. Tera Term
  2. System Workbench for STM32

For the schematic of this repo, please click here.

What is JTAG?

JTAG is an industrial standard for testing and verifying PCB designs after fabricate (Boundary Scan). Besides that, JTAG is often used as an debugger for hardware such as microcontroller like STM32F103C8T6.

JTAG Register

Figure 1. JTAG Register from [2.]


Based on Figure 1, any JTAG devices will have at least 4 I/O pin (TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO) with TRST as optional. For the purpose of this project, only 4 I/O pins were used.

With so many data lines connected to the device, a controller unit is needed to tell the JTAG device what to do. That control unit is named Test Access Port (TAP) controller.


Figure 2. JTAG TAP Controller (State Machine) from [3.]


TAP Controller basiccaly is a 16 states state machine that control the behaviour of JTAG devices. This state machine is controlled by TMS and TCK signals. The TMS singals will be captured on the rising edge of TCK. Depend on the current state of the TAP state machine, the JTAG device can transition to another state to do different operations. For example, if current state is CAPTURE_DR which capture the data from External Connections into Boundary Scan Register then a pulse of high TMS and TCK was send to JTAG device. After that, current state will be SHIFT_DR which will shift data from TDI to TDO.

JTAG Instructions


By IEEE Standard 1149.1, the instruction code for BYPASS instruction is all 0b1 (depend length of instruction register). This instruction is used to bypass device(s) that are not tested or to perform some specific region of circuit where are prompt to failure. By referring to Figure 1, after BYPASS instruction is loaded, TDI and TDO are connected with Bypass Reg. The Bypass Reg contain one bit of dont't care data. Thus, whenever using BYPASS instruction, there will be numbers of these dont't care data bits depend on how many bypass device(s). bypass bits = n * 1.


JTAG IDCODE is a 32-bit device specific part number. Although it's not a compulsory instruction specified by IEEE, but most JTAG device have this instruction. Most of the time, the IDCODE of JTAG device is used to get Boundary Scan Information from BSDL files. By referring to Figure 1, after IDCODE instruction is loaded, TDI and TDO are connected with Device ID Reg. If there's only one device, then shift a 32-bit data from TDI so that the 32-bit device ID can be shifted out from Device ID Reg. If there're more than one JTAG device, then the total number of bits to shift is shift bits = n * 32.

Besides, there's another way to get IDCODE of JTAG device that is reset the TAP controller to TEST_LOGIC_RESET state. By resetting the Tap state machine, the IDCODE instruction will be loaded automatically into Instruction Register.

After reset, you can read the Device ID Register (default). To perform any other action, you must move 
the TAP to the Instruction Register scan cycle to select an appropriate data register. For either type
of scan cycle (data register or instruction register), the first action in the scan cycle is a capture 
operation. The Capture-DR state enables the data register indicated by the current Instruction 
Register contents. The Capture-IR state enables access to the Instruction Register.
Snippet 1. Read IDCODE after reset TAP State Machine from [5.] pg 5



This instruction is required by IEEE Standard 1149.1. This instruction connect TDI and TDO through the Boundary scan register.
Thus, SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction allows user to take a snapshot of the system I/O pins witout affecting the functionality System logic.

Boundary Scan Register Sample/Preload

Gif 1. Boundary Scan Register from [6.] pg 9


By default (no shifting), the input pin (PIN_IN), output pin (PIN_OUT) and control pin (PIN_OE) signals are connect to their own multiplexer before Capture Registers. After the instruction is loaded then go to CAPTURE_DR state, the PIN_IN input pin, OEJ control pin and OUTJ output pin data will be capture by the Capture Registers . After capturing the data (SAMPLE), then proceed to SHIFT_DR. At this state, the data wanted to be preload into OEJ and OUTJ pin can be shifted in from TDI. After shifting the correct test pattern, then go to UPDATE_DR state to update the data to Update Registers. The preloaded data is now ready for EXTEST instruction.


This instruction is also a compulsory instruction by IEEE Standard 1149.1. This instruction is often used to test the external circuitry of the device. For example, alt text

Figure 3. Example of EXTEST from [2.]


Based the circuitry on Figure 3, EXTEST instruction can test Stuck-at fault and short circuit between pins/ chips. To test the Stuck-at fault defect at chip #1, a test pattern of 0bxxxx 1xxx can be preloaded on chip #1 by using SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction. Then, EXTEST instruction can be loaded in chip #1. For chip #2, sample the I/O pins by using SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction. If the results of sampling shows 0bxxx1 xxxx. Then, the pin is Stuck-at fault.

Boundary Scan Register Extest

Gif 2. Boundary Scan Register from [6.] pg 9


Before using EXTEST instruction, the test pattern must be preloaded with SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction. After loading EXTEST instruction, go to CAPTURE_DR state. In this state, the preloaded data at Update Registers will drive INJ, PIN_OEand PIN_OUT. The next test pattern can be shift in by apply TMS of 1 and a pulse of TCK to go to SHIFT_DR. After applying the test pattern, go to UPDATE_DR state to update the Update Registers with latest test pattern. Repeat the process by going to CAPTURE_DR state if further EXTEST is desired.

Note, me and my supervisor noticed that when EXTEST instruction is loaded first time, it works fine. But when trying to reload the EXTEST instruction for another test. The MCU seems to regain control of the pin and cause unexpected behaviour. To solve this, if the EXTEST instruction is already loaded and directly shift the data from TDI and TDO. In short, if multiple EXTEST is needed, make sure don't reload the instruction register.

JTAG I/O signals

Example of JTAG waveform

Figure 4. Example of JTAG waveform from [6.] pg 25


When the TAP controller enter SHIFT_IR or SHIFT_DR state, the first TCK clock cycle does not shift the data from TDI. Instead, at the second TCK clock cycle, TDI and TDO is shifted. By referring from Figure5, when current state is CAPTURE_DR then apply TMS of 1 and a pulse of TCK to transition to SHIFT_DR state. Then, at the second TCK cycle of SHIFT_DR the first bits of TDI and TDO is write and read.

During the SHIFT_IR state, an instruction code is entered by shifting data
on the TDI pin on the rising edge of TCK. The last bit of the opcode must
be clocked at the same time that the next state, EXIT1_IR, is activated;
EXIT1_IR is entered by clocking a logic high on TMS. Once in the
EXIT1_IR state, TDO becomes tri-stated again. TDO is always tri-stated
except in the SHIFT_IR and SHIFT_DR states. After an instruction code
is entered correctly, the TAP controller advances to perform the serial
shifting of test data in one of three modes—SAMPLE/PRELOAD,
EXTEST, or BYPASS—that are described below.
Snippet 2. Documentation from [6.] pg 25


Based on Snippet 2, on the last bit of data shift, it must be on the next state which is EXIT1_DR.

Note that the same principle apply to shifting of data and instruction.

Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL)

What is BSDL?

BSDL is a subset of VHDL which is a hardware description language which provide description on how a particular JTAG device need be be implemented for boundary scan. There are a few important informations that need to be extract from BSDL file for performing boundary scan such as:

  • Device Instructions Opcode: JTAG boudary scan instruction opcode and length of the device in binary to perform boundary scan.
  • Boundary Scan Description: This description provide the information about the structure of boundary scan cell of the device. Most pin on a device will have three boundary scan cells, input, output and control. It also describe what state of the cells pin are need to perform boundary scan instructions.
  • Package Pin Mapping: This is used to determine the internal connections within an integrated circuit. It also describe how the pads of the device are wired to external pins.
  • IDCODE Register: This entity specified the device specific IDCODE number of the device.

How to read BSDL?

Instruction Opcode and length

-- Specifies the number of bits in the instruction register.

   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of STM32F1_Low_Med_density_value_LQFP48 : entity is 5;

-- Specifies the boundary-scan instructions implemented in the design and their opcodes.
   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of STM32F1_Low_Med_density_value_LQFP48 : entity is 
     "BYPASS  (11111)," &
     "EXTEST  (00000)," &
     "SAMPLE  (00010)," &
     "PRELOAD (00010)," &
     "IDCODE  (00001)";
Snippet 3. Boundary Scan Instruction code and length from [9.] line 149


By referring the attributed on Snippet 3, the instruction length of this device is 5-bit. The instruction opcode was also stated clearly which is:

  • BYPASS : 0b11111
  • EXTEST : 0b00000
  • SAMPLE : 0b00010
  • PRELOAD : 0b00010
  • IDCODE : 0b00001


-- Specifies the bit pattern that is loaded into the DEVICE_ID register during the IDCODE 
-- instruction when the TAP controller passes through the Capture-DR state.
   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of STM32F1_Low_Med_density_value_LQFP48 : entity is 
     "XXXX" &              -- 4-bit version number
     "0110010000100000" &  -- 16-bit part number -- 420
     "00000100000" &       -- 11-bit identity of the manufacturer
     "1";                  -- Required by IEEE Std 1149.1
Snippet 4. Device IDCODE from [9.] line 168

Based on Snippet 4, the IDCODE for the Boundary Scan Device is in binary 0bXXXX 0110 0100 0010 0000 0000 0100 0001 and in hex form is 0xX6420041.

Boundary Scan IDCODE

Figure 5. Boundary Scan IDCODE from [10.] pg 1086


But by referring Figure 5, the actual JTAG boundary scan device IDCODE is 0x16410041 which is 0b1 0110 0100 0001 0000 0000 0100 0001 in binary.

Boundary Scan Cells and Registers Informations

-- Specifies the length of the boundary scan register.
   attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of STM32F1_Low_Med_density_value_LQFP48 : entity is 232;
Snippet 5. Device IDCODE from [9.] line 185


Based on Snippet 5, the length of boundary scan register is 232. This means that when running SAMPLE/PRELOAD and EXTEST instructions, we need to shift in 232 bits of data. Besides, the sampling result from SAMPLE/PRELOAD will have to shift out 232 bits by shifting in 232 bits of data.

-- The following list specifies the characteristics of each cell in the boundary scan register from 
-- TDI to TDO. The following is a description of the label fields:
--      num     : Is the cell number.
--      cell    : Is the cell type as defined by the standard.
--      port    : Is the design port name. Control cells do not have a port name.
--      function: Is the function of the cell as defined by the standard. Is one of input, output2, 
--                output3, bidir, control or controlr.
--      safe    : Specifies the value that the BSR cell should be loaded with for safe operation 
--                when the software might otherwise choose a random value.
--      ccell   : The control cell number. Specifies the control cell that drives the output enable 
--                for this port.
--      disval  : Specifies the value that is loaded into the control cell to disable the output 
--                enable for the corresponding port.
--      rslt    : Resulting state. Shows the state of the driver when it is disabled.
   attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of STM32F1_Low_Med_density_value_LQFP48 : entity is 
--    num	cell	port		function	safe  [ccell  disval  rslt]
      "216	(BC_1,	*,		CONTROL,	1),				" &
      "215	(BC_1,	PC13,		OUTPUT3,	X,	216,	1,	Z),	" &
      "214	(BC_4,	PC13,		INPUT,		X),				" &      
Snippet 6. Boundary Scan Cell Structure from [9.] line 189


Based on Snippet 6, for
In this case, we want to sample the current input status of pin PC13. Note the disval of cell 215. To disable the output enable, cell 215 need to set to 1. By referring Gif 1. at here, when CONTROL register is set to HIGH (1), the tri-state output will be disable. Thus, the input data of pin PC13 can be captured.

Let say we want to set the output of pin PC13 to HIGH (1). Based on the disval description of control cell (215), to enable the tri-state output buffer, CONTROL register is set to LOW (0) so that the preloaded data at Update Register of OUTPUT can be drive to pin PC13. For more info on how EXTEST work, please click here.


JTAG Architecture for STM32F103xx

Figure 6. JTAG Architecture for STM32F103xx from [10.] pg 1084
There for two jtag devices in STM32F103C8T6 as shown at Figure 6. When doing JTAG instructions, both devices must be considered. Based on Figure 6, the instruction length of Boundary scan TAP (5-bits) and Cortex-M3 TAP are different. Not only the instruction length of both devices are different but also the instruction opcode as well as the device's ID are different.

Information required for JTAG Boundary Scan

1. Instruction opcode for different TAP devices

Boundary Scan TAP 00001 11111 00010 00000
Cortex-M3 TAP 1110 1111 0001/0010 0000
Table 1. The JTAG instructions opcode for two TAP devices in STM32F103C8T6 from [9.] line 149 and [11.] pg75-76

When doing boundary scan instruction such as SAMPLE/PRELOAD and EXTEST, the boundary scan instruction will be loaded into Boudary Scan TAP and Cortex-M3 TAP will be loaded with BYPASS instruction.

2. Device ID for both TAP devices

IDCODE for both TAPs

Figure 7. IDCODE for two TAP devices in STM32F103C8T6 from [10.] pg1086

Based on Figure 7, the IDCODE for Boundary Scan TAP is 0x16410041 and Cortex-M3 TAP is 0x3BA00477.

3. Value to write at boundary scan cell

BoundaryScanCell/ JTAG Instruction INPUT OUTPUT CONTROL
EXTEST x 0/1 0

For SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction, INPUT and OUTPUT cell (0/1) is set by user externally and CONTROL is preloaded.
For EXTEST instruction, OUTPUT cell (0/1) and CONTROL was set by user by preloading the data using SAMPLE/PRELOAD.

Table 2. Data to be preloaded to boundary scan register respect with to instructions.


By referring to Boundary Scan Cells and Registers Informations, we know that the length of boundary scan cell is 232 which mean that we need to shift in 232 bits via TDI. Basically, a I/O is connected to three boundary scan cells (INPUT, OUTPUT and CONTROL). Depend on which instruction used, the datat shift in for boundary scan cells are different.

1. SAMPLE/PRELOAD To sample the INPUT boundary scan cell state (0/1). The CONTROL cell are set to 1 to disable the output enable. At the same time, the data wanted to be preload for EXTEST can shift in at the same time.

2. EXTEST To do EXTEST operation which set the OUTPUT cell. The CONTROL cell are set to 0 to enable the output enable. Then, the desired OUTPUT state (0/1) preloaded can be drive to the I/O pin.

The first bit shifted out from TDO will be the LSB of result. The shifting of all JTAG operations is from LSB to MSB.

4. Hardware schematic of this project

Setup of circuit for this project

Figure 8. Schematic for JTAG Boundary Scan

PA9 for EXTEST can be replaced by any I/O pin

System Workbench for STM32


By referring Figure 7 and Figure 8, the expected result for both devices is 0x164100413ba00477.

1. Get both devices IDCODE after resetting the TAP state machine to TEST_LOGIC_RESET
Devices ID after resetting TAP state machine

Figure 9. IDCODE for two TAP devices after reset TAP


2. Get Devices IDCODE by using IDCODE instruction
Devices ID using IDCODE instruction

Figure 10. IDCODE for two TAP devices using IDCODE instruction



1. Bypass both TAP devices
Example of BYPASS instructions

Gif 3. Example of BYPASS instruction

First bit of data shifted out from TDO is LSB and the last bit shifted out is MSB.


Result of BYPASS both TAP devices

Figure 11. Bypass two TAP devices using BYPASS instruction

The result shown at Figure 11 was get by shift in 0b11110011 with shifting length of 10. The working of this bypass is shown at Gif 3.


Result of BYPASS Cortex-M3 TAP and use IDCODE for Boundary Scan TAP

Figure 12. Bypass Cortex-M3 TAP and load IDCODE Boundary Scan TAP

Based on JTAG TAP devices connection on Figure 6, the LSB of the data shifted out from TDO is the bypass bit of Cortex-M3 TAP. In order to get the correct IDCODE for Boundary Scan TAP, the data need to be shifted to the right by one bit.

Result of BYPASS Boundary Scan TAP and use IDCODE for Cortex-M3 TAP

Figure 13. Bypass Boundary Scan TAP and load IDCODE Cortex-M3 TAP



Result of SAMPLE 3V3

Figure 14. Sample I/O pin connected to 3V3


Result of SAMPLE GND

Figure 15. Sample I/O pin connected to GND



Figure 16. EXTEST set the I/O pin PA9 to 1 (HIGH)


Result of EXTEST PA9 to 0

Figure 17. EXTEST set the I/O pin PA9 to 0 (LOW)


Command-line interface (CLI)


Result of IDCODE CLI

Figure 18. Get IDCODE of both TAP devices using CLI



Result of BYPASS CLI

Figure 19. Bypass both TAP devices using CLI
Figure 20. Bypass Cortex-M3 TAP and IDCODE Boundary Scan TAP using CLI


Figure 21. Bypass Boundary Scan TAP and IDCODE Cortex-M3 TAP using CLI




Figure 22. Sample/Preload boundary scan TAP device using CLI (Cortex-M3 TAP bypassed)



Result of EXTEST CLI

Figure 23 . Eextest boundary scan TAP device using CLI (Cortex-M3 TAP bypassed)


Future Enhancement

  1. Expansion to Full Boundary Scan Testing: The current JTAG boundary scan project is limited to preload and extest operations on specific pins. This method, although it serves for targeted testing, does not fully leverage the capabilities of boundary scan testing. A significant future enhancement could include a comprehensive test of all boundary scan cells. This expansion would ensure more robust and complete testing coverage, allowing for thorough examination of all device pins and a more efficient detection and diagnosis of potential issues across all boundary scan cells.

  2. Automated Test Generation and Execution: Manual generation and execution of tests can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Enhancing the project to automate the generation of test vectors and their execution could drastically improve this process. Implementing or integrating a software tool to automate these steps would speed up the testing process and make it more reliable and efficient.



[1.] JTAG - Wikipedia
[2.] 12 3 DFT2 JTAG Instruction
[3.] What is JTAG and how can I make use of it?
[4.] Technical Guide to JTAG
[5.] DSP56300 JTAG Examples
[6.] AN 39: IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in ttera Devices
[7.] BSDL Files
[8.] BSDL Tutorial
[9.] STM32F1_Low_Med_density_value_LQFP48.bsd
[10.] STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx, STM32F103xx, STM32F105xx and STM32F107xx advanced Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs - Reference manual
[11.] ARM® Debug Interface Architecture Specification ADIv5.0 to ADIv5.2