also I don't know which 7z versions support it (I have version 16.02)
> When I archive a 7z file without the `-t` flag it converts 7z to zip [See Ref IMG's]. What do you mean converts 7z to zip? The usual invokation...
So 7z will add its own appropriate extension in that case? I'm not sure if I like that behavior
I think it's easier for the user to just write `7z a archive.zip data` than `7z a -tzip archive data`, although there are merits to both.
7z AES-256 has some flaws too. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/100650/how-secure-is-7z-encryption Maybe this should be a separate issue of whether or not to remove password option to discourage it
I guess SVG support is still buggy in 2022. I had no idea SVGs could be animated. How about just changing it to an old-fashioned GIF?
#5400 had a suggestion to just use a PNG. I agree in that I don't think the animation adds anything a screenshot wouldn't provide.
And maybe we can include just the terminal output. An actual image isn't strictly necessary but gives a visual example of output.
I support the idea too. chess.com has one for its daily puzzle
Even a keyboard shortcut or >>> turning the entire message into a block quote would be preferable. I think triple backtick is still sufficient for code blocks. I am more...