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Zero-configuration CLI React static renderer


Zero-configuration CLI React static renderer

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npm i -g static-react
static-react RootComponent.js > index.html

Static-react include babel presets and React – there is no need to install them separately


See the examples/ directory

Fetching Data

Use the getInitialProps static method to fetch data or get server-side props for things like CSS-in-JS libraries.

import React from 'react'
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

export default class extends React.Component {
  static getInitialProps = async () => {
    const data = await fetch('')

    return {

  render () {
    const { data } = this.props

    return (
          {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}


Use the getInitialProps to pass side effects from CSS-in-JS libraries as props.

import React from 'react'
import { Box } from 'rebass'

export default class Root extends React.Component {
  static getInitialProps = async (app) => {
    const { ServerStyleSheet } = require('styled-components')
    const { renderToString } = require('react-dom/server')
    const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()
    const css = sheet.getStyleTags()
    return { css }

  static defaultProps = {
    css: ''

  render () {
    const { css } = this.props

    return (
          <Box px={3} py={4}>
            Beep boop

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