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您好,我想请教您两个问题: 1. 依赖库##Dependencies必须要下载吗?我运行train_model.m文件时会跳到globalregression.m函数中的model = train(deltashapes(:, o), sparse(binaryfeatures), param)这一行,出现错误“未定义与 'double' 类型的输入参数相对应的函数 'train'。” 其中,我已经将 parpool(4)命令注释掉了 2.该检测算法适合手掌关键点检测吗?

非常好的分享!感谢! 我成功地在你们提供的图片库中运行成功了,结果很好。 但是目前我想用自己的图片试试,而该图片缺少.pts文件,参考了之前的提问,我选择用matlab自带的工具箱来圈出脸部边界。至于landmarks(也就是shape_gt变量),我是随机赋值的。结果发现shape_gt没有被更新,也就是没有程序没有找到landmarks,想请教一下这是什么原因呢,该怎么解决呀? 我的想法是shape_gt这个变量是标记点的坐标,应该会被模型重新打上标记,所以我随机初始化了,这是为了匹配上程序的输入数据的格式,不知道是不是我这样的想法有问题。还望赐教!

Hi, thanks for your excellent codes. I got good performance when I use a set of 10000 pictures, with 5 landmarks. However, when I increase the landmarks to 9, the...

It looks like the points fitted based on bounding box size. The bounding box is require to cover perfectly on face. Since the codes used the groundtruth bounding box, it...

Dear Yang; First of all thank you for the code. I have been trying to get your code to work for some days now but all my attempts to start...

i want to know where is the function ‘enlargingbbox’ defined in ‘src/loadsamples.m’? THANKS

``` >> dbnames = {'ibug'}; >> train_model Attention, if error occurs, plese ensure you used the correct version of parallel initialization. Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ......

Hello @jwyang , I'm trying to run your matlab code on my machine now. But I met some issue when I tried to load the image in. in the test_model...

Hi, could you please tell me how to train a model in 21 landmark , download a 21 landmark dataset or just use a 68 landmark dataset and change the...

first of all thank you for your code ! it works well ! but i notice that when i run it on LFPW, the err is much higher than the...