If you run cmake with ```` -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON ```` then the actual compile line will be shown and this might give a hint as to what is going on.
Did you check the directory to see if the stdlib.h exists? ```` /home/monte/Source/nmos-dev/os/nitrogen7/buildroot/output/host/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabihf/include/c++/8.4.0/cstdlib ```` Maybe all of the files from the target were not copied up to the buildroot?
I have seen similar error messages with a preceding message about not being able to find a libssl.so file. I ended up using something like: ``` -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_INIT="-L ${RPI_LIBS}/lib -L ${SYSROOT}...
The link line I get when I build the my node (not the nmos-cpp-node, but my node based on nmos-cpp-node) includes arguments like the following ```` /home/myhome/project/3rdparty/install-nmos/linux-raspi/lib/libssl.so /home/myhome/project/3rdparty/install-nmos/linux-raspi/lib/libcrypto.a ```` I...
I tried the .natvis with VS 2017 and that works very nicely. Thank you for posting that. If I add others, I will post them. I looked into the Linux...
Many of the embedded systems I have worked on have clients retry forever to reestablish a connection to their server. An error message can be logged but the device is...
The IS-07 events will add a lot more connections. (would MQTT reduce this?) Our worst case would probably be a single physical device with about 100 _signals_ where each _signal_...
I ran ldd before but did not include the output. It looks like all the libraries are coming from the right place. See attached file. I was not running the...
Forgot the file. [ldd.txt](https://github.com/sony/nmos-cpp/files/3631631/ldd.txt)
I changed the avahi-compat-libdns_sd/dns_sd.h to include some more error codes: ``` kDNSServiceErr_NoNetwork = -65560, kDNSServiceErr_OS = -65561, kDNSServiceErr_InvalidConfig = -65562, kDNSServiceErr_Timeout = -65563, kDNSServiceErr_DbusError = -65564, kDNSServiceErr_Disconnected = -65565, kDNSServiceErr_NoDaemon...