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Showcase - new type of playlist
We would like to suggest the addition of a new type of ‘playlist’ in ’Showcase’.
Right now, each playlist comes in a row and displays the content in the same row… we would like to suggest adding a new feature that allows multiple playlists in one row – and if any of the playlists are clicked, the user will be taken to a new page that has the content specific to that playlist. An example of this can be adding multiple series as ‘playlist’ in one row with each episode connected to that series – and showcasing the series in one row….
We are building a music platform and would like to add multiple playlists such playlist by different genre and show it all in one row - and if a user clicks on a genre, they will be able to see the music for that specific genre.
Hope you can help.
Yosuf Mohseni
Mobile: +971 504511182 (UAE)
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Yosuf_Mohseni
Skype: yosufmohseni
Hi Yosuf,
This is an interesting feature, but not something that can be implemented straight away. Right now there is no way to add a playlist to a playlist in the Dashboard. If I understand your question correctly, this would be needed for creating this 'sub-playlist' type of thing. I don't believe this currently on the roadmap.
Thanks for the reply. It is actually not a playlist under a playlist - it is more like multiple playlists put side by side in a row.....LIke below example for a music platform:
Playlist A Content | Content | Content | Content...... Playlist B Content | Content | Content | Content...... Genres Playlist C | Playlist D | Playlist E | Playlist F......
Hope I could explain it well.
Best, Yosuf.
How would you propose to populate that Genres playlist from the frontend? It doesn't seem very intuitive to do that in the config file.
I was thinking that maybe in the JW Player Dashboard, it could be generated using tags etc... then it could be arranged (positioned) in the JW Player Showcase. Exactly the same way a playlist is created (now) and then arranged in the 'showcase' - this could also be the same. You could then insert an image for the playlist (lets say if it is a TV Show....then you could insert the art work...).
Hope i am making sense.
I'm not quite convinced yet, but if you could build a POC that might make it more clear.
See this file. It is an example of a music platform (that we are in the process of building....or looking for someone who can customize 'Showcase' for us). Visit https://awaz.jwpapp.com/
At the bottom of the page, you will see the artists - that music by artists is linked to each artist - and each is a technically a playlist - if you click on each artist, you will get the songs for that artist. In the backend, we thought we could use 'tagging' or 'Custom Parameters' to connect each song to a specific artist.
Let me know your thoughts.
Hi Pajter,
Hope you had a chance to review the document, let me know if it is clear or if you have any question.
Mobile: +971 504511182 (UAE) Email: [email protected] Skype: yosufmohseni
Hi @yosufmohseni
Thanks for your Showcase feature request. Your suggestion is definitely interesting and something we can explore to build into Showcase.
I've recorded your feature request, but to set your expectations, we don't yet have a timetable for when we'll be able to tackle this as we're currently building some new upcoming features.
If time is an issue, please feel free to fork our open source repo to customize this functionality into your Showcase. Or you can also use our playlist embeds & tagging feature to accomplish this via our JW Player dashboard or API.
Best Henry
Thanks, Henry.
I think initially we might do a combination of both...what you suggested re-customizing the source code and using tags and playlist embeds.
Do keep us posted when you start working on this feature.
Cheers, Yosuf.
We love this feature request. Certainly would be a very useful feature in terms of discovery and organizing content in different ways.