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Qiskit Job Control
Qiskit Job Control
module -
command -
class -
Documentation - Prerequisites
- Install
- Usage
- Notes
The qisjob
The module is qisjob
. It was formerly named qis_job
. I'm not sure why, but I have now changed it to qisjob
If you previously installed the module as qis_job
you can uninstall that older version either by
pip3 uninstall qis_job
make uninstall_oldname
The qisjob
The qisjob
command loads and executes Qiskit experiments on simulators or on genuine quantum
computing hardware such as that found at IBM Q Experience. Input is from one or
more OpenQASM 2 (by default) or OpenQASM 3 (with the --qasm3_in
option) source files or Qiskit QuantumCircuit
Python code (with the --qc
option) or from source provided via standard input in the absence of file arguments.
The command also provides some utility functions such as:
- enumerating backend platforms
- configuration both current and historical of backend platforms
- status of backend platforms
- status and results of jobs both current and historical
and other useful operations for Qiskit experimentation.
comes with NO GUARANTEE and NO WARRANTY including as regards correctness nor applicability.
can run Qiskit experiments expressed as either:
OPENQASM Open Quantum Assembly Language
- Use a well-formed OPENQASM file.
- Examples are found in the
subdirectory of the project. - Examples of OpenQASM 3 are found in the
subdirectory of the project, as well as in the OpenQASM project examples directory.
- Qiskit Terra
Python code snippet.- To use a code snippet, only import that which is absolutely needed in the snippet and provide no execution code.
- Pass the name of your
to the--qc
argument ofqisjob.py
- If you have multiple files of this sort, all must have the same name for their
object. - An example circuit (very long execution!) is found in the
subdirectory of the project.
- If you have multiple files of this sort, all must have the same name for their
You can load and run multiple files, but you cannot mix Qasm and QuantumCircuit
files in the same execution of the qisjob
is compatible with the experimental NuQasm2 project, that you can use to compile and run your OPENQASM2.0 source code.
Given that you have NuQasm2
installed, you can use qisjob
's -n
include-path:include-path:... switch
The QisJob
The qisjob
script works by instancing an object of the class qisjob.QisJob
You can use an object instance of the class qisjob.QisJob
in your own program for its utility functions or the execute
experiments on real quantum hardware and/or simulators either using OpenQASM source or Qiskit QuantumCircuit
source code.
The qisjob.QisJob
object that underlies the qisjob
script that can be used in your own programs has many args/kwargs.
The documentation for qisjob.QisJob
is installed with the module in the site library's share/doc
You can also read the QisJob Documentation Online
- Qiskit/qiskit-terra
- Qiskit/qiskit-aer
- A provider such as Qiskit/qiskit-ibmq-provider
- Currently supported backend providers are:
- IBMQ (required)
- For the local Aer simulator you only need qiskit-aer installed.
- For genuine QPU or cloud simulator you will need an IBM Q Experience API token.
- For the local Aer simulator you only need qiskit-aer installed.
- Forest (optional; a warning message may appear if absent)
- You need quantastic/qiskit-forest
pip install quantastica-qiskit-forest
- For Rigetti QPU you will need access
- You need quantastic/qiskit-forest
- MQT (optional; a warning message may appear if absent)
- You need cda-tum/ddsim
- This was formerly the JKU simulator
- QI (optional; a warning message may appear if absent)
- Install QuTech-Delft/quantuminspire from either
Github QuTech-Delft/quantuminspire
pip install quantuminspire
- You will also need a Quantum Inspire token.
Github QuTech-Delft/quantuminspire
- Install QuTech-Delft/quantuminspire from either
- IBMQ (required)
Do one of the following in the source directory (preferably in a Python virtual environment set up for Qiskit)
make # gnu make, we have provided a Makefile
./setup.py install
pip3 install .
Note that the module name has recently (2021-02-16) changed from qis_job
to qisjob
. If you previously installed the module as qis_job
you can uninstall that older version either by
pip3 uninstall qis_job
make uninstall_oldname
Do one of the following in the source directory
make uninstall
pip3 uninstall qisjob
The qisjob
script has helpful help.
$ qisjob --help
usage: qisjob [-h] [-i | -s | -a | -b BACKEND]
[--qasm_simulator | --unitary_simulator | --statevector_simulator | --pulse_simulator | --densitymatrix_simulator]
[--statevector_gpu | --unitary_gpu | --density_matrix_gpu] [--fakenoise FAKENOISE] [--display] [--version]
[--api_provider API_PROVIDER] [--hub HUB] [--group GROUP] [--project PROJECT] [--providers] [--qvm] [--qvm_as] [--backends] [-1]
[-d DATETIME] [-g] [-j] [--jobs JOBS] [--job_id JOB_ID] [--job_result JOB_RESULT] [-m] [-n NUQASM2] [-o OUTFILE] [-p] [-q QUBITS]
[--qiskit_version] [-r] [-t SHOTS] [-v] [-x] [--showsched] [--circuit_layout] [--optimization_level OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL]
[--histogram] [--plot_state_city PLOT_STATE_CITY] [--figure_basename FIGURE_BASENAME] [--qasm] [--qc QC] [--status]
[--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--use_job_monitor] [--job_monitor_line JOB_MONITOR_LINE]
[--job_monitor_filepath JOB_MONITOR_FILEPATH] [-w] [--qasm3_in] [--qasm3_out]
[filepath ...]
Qisjob loads from one or more OpenQASM source files or from a file containing a Qiskit QuantumCircuit definition in Python and runs as
experiments with reporting in CSV form. Can graph results as histogram or state-city plot. Also can give info on backend properties, qiskit
version, show circuit transpilation, etc. Can run as multiple jobs or all as one job. Exits 0 on success, 1 on argument error, 100 on runtime
error, 200 on QiskitError. Copyright 2019, 2023 Jack Woehr [email protected] PO Box 82, Beulah, Colorado 81023. Apache License, Version 2.0
-- See LICENSE which you should have received with this code. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
positional arguments:
filepath Filepath(s) to 0 or more .qasm files, default is stdin
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --ibmq Use best genuine IBMQ processor (default)
-s, --sim Use IBMQ qasm simulator
-a, --aer Use QISKit Aer simulator. Default is Aer simulator. Use -a --qasm-simulator to get Aer qasm simulator. Use -a --unitary-
simulator to get Aer unitary simulator.
-b BACKEND, --backend BACKEND
Use specified IBMQ backend
--qasm_simulator With -a use qasm_simulator instead of aer simulator
--unitary_simulator With -a use unitary_simulator instead of aer simulator
With -a use aer_simulator_statevector instead of aer simulator
--pulse_simulator With -a use pulse_simulator instead of aer simulator
With -a use aer_simulator_density_matrix instead of aer simulator
--statevector_gpu With -a and --qasm_simulator use gpu statevector simulator
--unitary_gpu With -a and --qasm_simulator use gpu unitary simulator
--density_matrix_gpu With -a and --qasm_simulator use gpu density matrix simulator
--fakenoise FAKENOISE
Uses IBM/fake backend to simulate noise in the circuit with -a use --fakenoise ibmq_lima/ --fakenoise FakeVigo
--display Uses circuit.draw to visualize the untranspiled circuit
--version Announce QisJob version
--api_provider API_PROVIDER
Backend remote api provider, currently supported are [IBMQ | Forest | MQT | QI]. Default is IBMQ.
--hub HUB Provider hub, default is 'ibm-q'
--group GROUP Provider group, default is 'open'
--project PROJECT Provider project, default is 'main'
--providers List hub/group/project providers for IBMQ
--qvm Use Forest local qvm simulator described by -b backend, generally one of qasm_simulator or statevector_simulator. Use
--qvm_as to instruct the simulator to emulate a specific Rigetti QPU
--qvm_as Use Forest local qvm simulator to emulate the specific Rigetti QPU described by -b backend. Use --qvm to run the Forest
local qvm simulator described by -b backend.
--backends Print list of backends to stdout and exit 0
-1, --one_job Run all experiments as one job
-d DATETIME, --datetime DATETIME
Datetime 'year,month,day[,hour,min,sec]' for -p,--properties
-g, --configuration Print configuration for backend specified by -b to stdout and exit 0
-j, --job Print your job's dictionary
--jobs JOBS Print JOBS number of jobs and status for -b backend and exit 0
--job_id JOB_ID Print job number JOB_ID for -b backend and exit 0
--job_result JOB_RESULT
"Print result of job number JOB_RESULT for -b backend and exit 0
-m, --memory Print individual results of multishot experiment
-n NUQASM2, --nuqasm2 NUQASM2
"Use nuqasm2 to translate OPENQASM2 source, providing include path for any include directives
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Write appending CSV to outfile, default is stdout
-p, --properties Print properties for backend specified by -b to stdout and exit 0
-q QUBITS, --qubits QUBITS
Number of qubits for the experiment, default is 5
--qiskit_version Print Qiskit version and exit 0
-r, --result Print job result
-t SHOTS, --shots SHOTS
Number of shots for the experiment, default 1024, max 8192
-v, --verbose Increase runtime verbosity each -v up to 3. If precisely 4, prettyprint QisJob's data dictionary and return (good for
debugging script arguments)
-x, --transpile Print circuit transpiled for chosen backend to stdout before running job
--showsched In conjuction with -x, show schedule for transpiled circuit for chosen backend to stdout before running job
--circuit_layout With -x, write image file of circuit layout after transpile (see --figure_basename)
--optimization_level OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL
Set optimization level for transpilation before run, valid values 0-3, default is 1
--histogram Write image file of histogram of experiment results (see --figure_basename)
--plot_state_city PLOT_STATE_CITY
Write image file of state city plot of statevector to PLOT_STATE_CITY decimal points (see --figure_basename)
--figure_basename FIGURE_BASENAME
basename including path (if any) for figure output, default='figout', backend name, figure type, and timestamp will be
--qasm Print qasm file to stdout before running job
--qc QC Indicate variable name of Python-coded QuantumCircuit
--status Print status of chosen --backend to stdout (default all backends) of --api_provider (default IBMQ) and exit 0
--token TOKEN Use this token
--url URL Use this url
--use_job_monitor Display job monitor instead of just waiting for job result
--job_monitor_line JOB_MONITOR_LINE
Comma-separated list of hex values for character(s) to emit at the head of each line of job monitor output, default is
--job_monitor_filepath JOB_MONITOR_FILEPATH
Filepath for Job Monitor output if Job Monitor requested by --use_job_monitor, default is sys.stdout
-w, --warnings Don't print warnings on missing optional modules
--qasm3_in Interpret input as OpenQASM 3
--qasm3_out Print qasm file as OpenQASM 3 to stdout before running job
- It is recommended you download or clone the most recent release.
- Version v4.1.2 is the current version.
- This document always reflects the latest checkins and may be ahead of the release versions.
- See the README.md in the release version itself for contemporary information.
- Please use the issue tracker to report any issues or feature requests.
- If Python complains about the certs, you could try setting an env variable, like this:
export SSL_CERT_FILE=$(python3 -c "import certifi; print(certifi.where())")
Software Bill of Materials
The Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is SBOM_qisjob_jwoehr_*.json
Jack Woehr 2023-06-07