Jakub Majorek
Jakub Majorek
Hey @Sridatta19, the access token is not stored/persisted globally and it's only there for the duration of runtime. Instead we use a combination of CSRF token + refresh token stored...
The mutation allows to pass refreshToken either explicitly (as a GraphQL variable) or implicitly via a cookie. Check if cookies are being set properly on initial login (response should have...
@dominik-zeglen These are user input errors in general but mostly form connected. I see Apollo Server 2+ gives methods that allow throwing errors to default GraphQL error mechanism, so maybe...
@patrys this is what I had in mind, I like this approach for the ability to catch whenever a query fails - no matter what caused it, as that can...
@patrys true, but for specific cases like these - where failed request returns meaningful data we could use a solution similar to what we currently use (`success: boolean` flag inside...
Hey, you'll usually see this error if your browser has disabled third-party cookies and you're running dashboard on a different domain than saleor. There are 2 ways to fix this:...
@reachkrishnaraj there's also a possibility you're not using HTTPS in which case the cookie will not be set (as there's a Secure flag present: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#restrict_access_to_cookies) Best way to debug it...
@shauntrennery herokuapp.com is listed under [Public Suffixes List](https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat) which means it's treated as **cross-domain** due to security concerns. You can get around this by setting SameSite=None or using a custom...