celluloid icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
celluloid copied to clipboard

TypeError: zip argument #2 must support iteration

Open kiwamizamurai opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

x = 3.5*np.ones(2)
samples = x

fig = plt.figure()
camera = Camera(fig)

plt.scatter(x[0], x[1], s=30, c='pink', edgecolor='red')

for i in range(200):
    x[0] = np.random.normal(a*x[1], 1) # mu=ax[1], sigma=1
    x[1] = np.random.normal(a*x[0], 1)
    samples = np.append(samples, (x))
    samples = samples.reshape((-1, x.shape[0]))
    plt.scatter(samples[:i, 0], samples[:i, 1], s=10, c='pink', alpha=0.7, edgecolor='red')

    t2 = plt.scatter(x[0], x[1], s=30, c='red', edgecolor='blue')
    plt.legend(t2, [f'New Point: {i}'])


animation = camera.animate(blit=False, interval=150)
animation.save('celluloid_minimal.gif', writer='pillow')

Legend Error

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-158-32af401ce45e> in <module>()
     15     t2 = plt.scatter(x[0], x[1], s=30, c='red', edgecolor='blue')
     16     print(type(t2))
---> 17     plt.legend(t2, [f'New Point: {i}'])
     18     # plt.legend()
     19     camera.snap()

2 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py in legend(*args, **kwargs)
   2683 @docstring.copy(Axes.legend)
   2684 def legend(*args, **kwargs):
-> 2685     return gca().legend(*args, **kwargs)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py in legend(self, *args, **kwargs)
    404         if len(extra_args):
    405             raise TypeError('legend only accepts two non-keyword arguments')
--> 406         self.legend_ = mlegend.Legend(self, handles, labels, **kwargs)
    407         self.legend_._remove_method = self._remove_legend
    408         return self.legend_

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/legend.py in __init__(self, parent, handles, labels, loc, numpoints, markerscale, markerfirst, scatterpoints, scatteryoffsets, prop, fontsize, borderpad, labelspacing, handlelength, handleheight, handletextpad, borderaxespad, columnspacing, ncol, mode, fancybox, shadow, title, title_fontsize, framealpha, edgecolor, facecolor, bbox_to_anchor, bbox_transform, frameon, handler_map)
    457         # trim handles and labels if illegal label...
    458         _lab, _hand = [], []
--> 459         for label, handle in zip(labels, handles):
    460             if isinstance(label, str) and label.startswith('_'):
    461                 cbook._warn_external('The handle {!r} has a label of {!r} '

kiwamizamurai avatar Dec 24 '19 05:12 kiwamizamurai

Samples have not been updated in your code and why the writer is 'pillow' but not 'imagemagick'?

TangXu-cell avatar Mar 30 '20 01:03 TangXu-cell