HoRNDIS copied to clipboard
Find CDC drier for ECM data interface failed on OS X 10.9.2
this is what I get:
USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 6A-5113BBBK1104 0x1d6b 0x104 0x308, 2 HoRNDIS: init: HoRNDIS tethering driver for Snow Leopard+, by Joshua Wise HoRNDIS: rndisInit: their MTU 1486 HoRNDIS: setMaxTransferUnit: Excuse me, but I said you could have an MTU of 1486, but you just tried to set an MTU of 1500. Good try, buddy. HoRNDIS: init: starting up with MTU 1486 in6_domifattach: in6_ifattach_prelim returned 22 if=en6 0 0 AppleUSBCDCACMData: start - allocateResources failed 0 1 AppleUSBCDCECMData: start - Find CDC driver for ECM data interface failed 0 [Level 5] [com.apple.message.domain com.apple.commssw.cdc.device] [com.apple.message.signature AppleUSBCDCACMData] [com.apple.message.signature2 0x1D6B] [com.apple.message.signature3 0x104] AppleUSBCDCACMData: Version number - 4.2.1b5, Input buffers 8, Output buffers 16 flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1 AppleUSBCDC: Version number - 4.2.1b5
That message is benign; the interface should still exist, even with that message...
It exists but it disconnects itself immediately or I think it doesn't even establish connection to the device at all. FYI, I was connecting to a BeagleBone Black. This was working before 10.9.2
I've been having similar problems since upgrading to 10.9.2. Forced to tether using WiFi today instead. Moto X, 10.9.2, latest release of HoRNDIS.