abmagick icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
abmagick copied to clipboard

abuse ImageMagick (or GraphicsMagick) to create arbitrary files

.. code:: console

$ abmagick hello <<< 'Hello world!' convert 'xc:#6C6C6C' -resize '1x13!' -depth 8 -fill '#484848' -draw 'point 0,0' -fill '#656565' -draw 'point 0,1' -fill '#6F6F6F' -draw 'point 0,4' -fill '#202020' -draw 'point 0,5' -fill '#777' -draw 'point 0,6' -fill '#6F6F6F' -draw 'point 0,7' -fill '#727272' -draw 'point 0,8' -fill '#646464' -draw 'point 0,10' -fill '#212121' -draw 'point 0,11' -fill '#0A0A0A' -draw 'point 0,12' gray:hello

$ cat hello cat: hello: No such file or directory

$ abmagick hello <<< 'Hello world!' | sh

$ cat hello Hello world!

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