Johannes Wikman
Johannes Wikman
Ok, I understand. That sounds as way forward. It would've been cool if the linter extension could download the right dll, depending on version of the AL Language extension. Maybe...
@StefanMaron first post is updated with the false positives I found so far. Let me know if you need anything more. :)
This seems to fix all issues listed above. 👍 But this release suffers from the false positives of LC0016 described in #166, so I first thought it didn't work because...
Thanks @StefanMaron! Works fine!
@StefanMaron I'm sorry if this is already solved, and I missed it... But have you implemented some way to build and distribute BC LinterCop for both current version and the...
I no fan of the approach to let the `prerelease` setting identify if I am running with the pre-release version of ALC or not... I just know how many times...
Maybe "harmful" was the wrong word for this, what I meant is that if (or when? 😜) a bug is introduced in an existing rule, I know that it becomes...
Yes, finally we got the Pre-Release! :) I don't agree to the approach, though.. I do not want to add a setting to the repo (in workspace or folder settings),...
One thing that we might be able to solve as well with a new download implementation, with or without json mapping, could be support for the last _X_ versions of...
It's not very common, but we've hade cases where a new AL version had issues and we stick with the previous version until new version is published (which is done...