Jerry Vonau
Jerry Vonau
Think pipx can be avoided by just using pip to install xklb in the same way as ansible is installed ie into /usr/local with the required links to /usr/bin/ originating...
Dependencies changed within `sudo ./scripts/` ``` The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: python3-setuptools-whl Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove it. The following packages will be...
Downgrading is no longer possible. No magic potion available. Move to unpacking a virtual environment created on U22.04 but python2 would still have to be installed but the script would...
Not a bug, just evolution with the newest OS.
#3571 is an issue with cups' dependencies
This is no longer an issue right? Why is this still open?
This seems like a boot time race between hostapd and whatever is invoking rfkill to enable the wifi. Is the problem gone on subsequent boots? Check the logs of sequence...
`journalctl -b 0 --no-pager | grep kill` might show when rfkill was invoked, adjust '-b 0' to the boot at was the first boot on the w2 >sudo journalctl -b...
I'll note that NetworkManager is active and looks to be the new out of the box default on this image. Think the easiest with 'systemd-rfkill.service' in the logs is to...
Perhaps Before=NetworkManager.service might become After= as NM is the process unlocking the WiFi