Jerry Vonau

Results 384 comments of Jerry Vonau

Create the multipass VM `multipass launch --name local-2110 21.10` Open shell on VM `multipass shell local-2110` In the VM `sudo apt update` `sudo apt -y upgrade` `sudo reboot` Provide a...

``` ubuntu@local-2110:/opt/iiab/iiab$ ls -l /output/ total 4403400 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 65878 Dec 5 06:24 base-manifest.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 104857600 Dec 5 11:35 base.img -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26703...

Brainwave, the '/library image file' could be partitioned and thus directly writable to any usb storage device, trickier to setup via fstab if I recall correctly.

Notes for partitioned image workflow changes, image writable directly to external device. sudo parted /opt/test.img -- mklabel msdos sudo parted /opt/test.img -- mkpart primary 1MiB 100% sudo losetup -P -f...

to just add entries for an external drive use for example: has_ext_disk: True library_loc: disk library_name: IIAB-LIBRARY-EXT

#2614 @Mortvert, What filesystem (ntfs, ext4, etc..) is on the usbkey? It's doable just rsync /library to the root of the usbdrive, have the usbkey mount in a known location...

> Shame it is not an option in the admin panel for the less tech-savy people. > > @jvonau I formatted the USB key to EXT4 - fat32 will not...

On should really list the usb device via LABLE or UUID in fstab, booting with 2 usb drives present could upset the ordering, \/dev/sda may become \/dev/sdb. The advantage of...

@holta Can you run the PR so we can get some better information for #2943?