Jerry Vonau
Jerry Vonau
> @jvonau are you planning to make it possible to invoke role/tasks/enable_disable.yml independently of the rest of the role? No, the use of enable-or-disable is not consistent across the roles...
> what is the test for calibre (vs calibre-web)? Sorry I don't understand the question, but they are separate roles if that helps.
calibre-web's sevice name is calibre-web.service while calibre uses calibre-serve.service, different roles, different programs, different service names, perhaps @holta could add something.
Looks good, time is not that bad, think the biggest hit time wise would be the is_active if you find the query taking too long for your liking. For the...
Stage 5 is pretty self-explanatory, as is the cleanup of dead roles. The reset is more a grading of degrees of risk to the underling OS, difficulties in configuration of...
Think using 10G is a bit much, good way to run the machine out of storage space when the filesystem is near maximum capacity causing a DOS situation as noted...
Might be better to expose 'client_max_body_size' directly as a end user editable variable via local_vars.yml?
Think of this grouping as stuff in stage 6 and above requires more maintenance, while stage 5 is set the initial version used in the install and you are done.
I haven't looked at the local_vars_* files for adjustments yet.
ping.. 'question" tag was added, what is the question?