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SQ610RF - Humidity extraction
Firstly, thank you for pulling together this HA integration, it has massively improved the usage of the setup.
I have temperature extracting well from my SQ610RF but cant seem to find humidity - see extract from my HA states below:
I have pulled down the code and installed the integration manually today and wondered what i was doing wrong as i have seen others are able to extract it?
Thank you in advance.
Hi, I had the same issue to get humidity from my SQ610 with Home assistant (docker image) It turns out that the model name returned by the gateway is SQ610(WB) instead of SQ610 (or SQ610RF). In order to get the humidity, I had to change the line 504 of the file pyit600/gateway.py from that :
if model == "SQ610" or model == "SQ610RF":
to that :
if model is not None and "SQ610" in model:
Hope it will help Michael
Hi Michael,
i am using a SQ610RF Model on Homeassistant. Can you please let me know, where is the pyit600/gateway.py file located in HA? I am using a VM edition...
Many Thanks....
Hi @yah996
I'm using home assistant in Docker so I don't know if the following information will be applicable for a VM edition !
The file gateway.py is located here : /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyit600/gateway.py
thanks, I found it.
Hi @jvitkauskas Do you have time to include in the next release the solution proposed by @mdelalan ? Thanks
thanks, I found it.
Can you tell me how did you find it? I am in the same situation as you and do not seem to be able to find the file. Thanks.
are you using the terminal add on in HA?
Yes, I have it installed.
ok, try this in the terminal add-on
shell to the homeassistant server, name='yourhostname'. Use this commands:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=homeassistant -q) bash bash-5.1# find / -name gateway.py
Use vi or so to modify the gateway.py, this should be work.
Hi @jvitkauskas Do you have time to include in the next release the solution proposed by @mdelalan ? Thanks
Hello, I've noticed that the temperature returned by the gateway is not always the same as the one displayed on the SQ610 : It seems that the value is not updated in realtime ! I played a little bit with the Android app Smart Home in Wifi local mode and I found the command that force the gateway to update the temperature/humidity with the one displayed on the SQ610 :
await self._make_encrypted_request( "write", { "requestAttr": "write", "id": [{"data": device["data"],"sIT600I":{"SetCommand_d":"42 37 34 00 00 00 00"}} for device in devices] } )
Maybe this can also be added in the next release ??
Thank you yah966, but my HA is installed in a VM on a Synology NAS. And I am not an IT guy, I did it following some YouTube tutorials.
Hi @jvitkauskas
I've updated my salus integration with 0.51 but from what I see there still no humidity. There are no entities for that ...
Thank you for the update, humidity appeared in states (developer tools - states - attributes).
@DragosFlorea From there you can add it as an attribute in any of your cards in YAML.
Hello, I use HASO in VM and I am not able to see the SQ610RF device. I see all other devices I have in the IT600 system but not the SQ610RF Thermostat. Also I don't have this file /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyit600/gateway.py Any suggestion from you please? Thank you !
later edit: I removed the integration and I added it again. Now I can see the SQ610RF but it shows nothing also this time the TS600 Thermostat shows nothing.
The humidity seems to be available, but cannot be tracked. Like we can see the temperature over a certain period of time, can we also have the humidity being tracked?