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Easy stellar SED fitting!
I checked the `librarian` module and the catalog cross-matching is based on position. Given Gaia sources, can the `Librarian` class include a logic where a given photometry is excluded (or...
Hi @jvines, I just installed astroARIADNE and tried running through the example in the README, but got the following error when creating the corner plot: `AttributeError: 'XTick' object has no...
Hi! The corner plot shows the same mean the fitter gave but not the same errors. I tried to figure out what the issue in the code was, but I...
After running all the models, sometimes I want to exclude some models when re-plotting the posteriors using `SEDPlotter`. Is it possible to simply load the grid pickle files and re-compute...
To have the code to work on my Mac (Catalina), I had to change line 47 from: ``` set_start_method('fork') ``` to: ``` if sys.platform == 'darwin': set_start_method('spawn') else: set_start_method('fork') ```
Hello, I have encountered an error when attempting to visualize the results. The specific error message is as follows: OSError: No SIMPLE card found, this file does not appear to...
When I tried to download BT models from, only fits files (17kB per file) are available, which only contain the header information but does not contain wave and fluxes...
`` specifies the teff prior as `rave`: ``` f.prior_setup = { 'teff': ('rave'), ``` But per the README this does not seem to be an allowed prior specification. Running the...
Hi! just to let you know that I had to install healpy from MacBook ports for py37 because with pip I got an error with one of the libraries (see...