telescope-zoxide copied to clipboard
An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you operate zoxide within Neovim.
Telescope Zoxide
An extension for telescope.nvim that allows you operate zoxide within Neovim.
zoxide is required to use this plugin.
Plug 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'jvgrootveld/telescope-zoxide'
You can setup the extension by adding the following to your config:
Available functions:
With Telescope command
:Telescope zoxide list
In Lua
Overridable config
You can add, extend and update Telescope Zoxide config by calling the setup function after loading the plugin.
You can add new mappings and extend default mappings.
(Note: The mapping with the key 'default' is the mapping invoked on pressing <cr>
Every keymapping must have an action
function and supports the optional functions before_action
and after_action
Tip: If the action is a telescope picker, you should also set keepinsert = true
to open it in insert mode. Else you can't directly type into the next telescope picker.
All action functions are called with the current selection
object as parameter which contains the selected path and Zoxide score.
Tip: Make use of the supplied z_utils.create_basic_command
helper function to easily invoke a vim command for the selected path.
Example setup
local z_utils = require("telescope._extensions.zoxide.utils")
prompt_title = "[ Walking on the shoulders of TJ ]",
mappings = {
default = {
after_action = function(selection)
print("Update to (" .. selection.z_score .. ") " .. selection.path)
["<C-s>"] = {
before_action = function(selection) print("before C-s") end,
action = function(selection)
vim.cmd("edit " .. selection.path)
["<C-q>"] = { action = z_utils.create_basic_command("split") },
Default config
prompt_title = "[ Zoxide List ]",
-- Zoxide list command with score
list_command = "zoxide query -ls",
mappings = {
default = {
action = function(selection)
vim.cmd("cd " .. selection.path)
after_action = function(selection)
print("Directory changed to " .. selection.path)
["<C-s>"] = { action = z_utils.create_basic_command("split") },
["<C-v>"] = { action = z_utils.create_basic_command("vsplit") },
["<C-e>"] = { action = z_utils.create_basic_command("edit") },
["<C-b>"] = {
keepinsert = true,
action = function(selection)
builtin.file_browser({ cwd = selection.path })
["<C-f>"] = {
keepinsert = true,
action = function(selection)
builtin.find_files({ cwd = selection.path })
Example config:
":lua require'telescope'.extensions.zoxide.list{}<CR>",
{noremap = true, silent = true}
Default mappings:
Action | Description | Command executed |
<CR> |
Change current directory to selection | cd <path> |
<C-s> |
Open selection in a split | split <path> |
<C-v> |
Open selection in a vertical split | vsplit <path> |
<C-e> |
Open selection in current window | edit <path> |
<C-b> |
Open selection in telescope's builtin.file_browser |
builtin.file_browser({ cwd = selection.path }) |
<C-f> |
Open selection in telescope's builtin.find_files |
builtin.find_files({ cwd = selection.path }) |