Jerome Velociter
Jerome Velociter
``` ERROR [2014-11-24 13:21:35,736] com.yammer.dropwizard.jdbi.jersey.LoggingDBIExceptionMapper: Error handling a request: 60ffa35ebc4e85be ! org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "entity_unique_slug_per_type_per_parent_per_tenant" Detail: Key (slug, type, tenant_id, parent_id)=(mockupbeaujolaisnormal, attachment, 6a8118be-0e30-4215-8116-a15af797de6d, a9ef97e9-136a-4869-9aa8-96d32981392c) already...
API to manage a marketplace
- Account creation - Account validation - Account details edition - Change my password - Password lost / recover - Delete my account - Customer orders listing/details
It seems the image is not committed to content if there is no other modification