ceylon-dart copied to clipboard
I'm not surprised: assemble-dart not working
I am using ceylon 1.3.2 and the corresponding ceylon-dart plugin.
$ ./bin/ceylon assemble-dart --mode=js --out=first-assembly first
Error: Unexpected token 'Function'.
Function([Scope container, $dart$core.String name, $dart$core.Object typeLG, $dart$core.Object qualifier = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isDeclaredVoid = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isShared = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isFormal = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isActual = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isDefault = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isAnnotation = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isDeprecated = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isStatic = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isAnonymous = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isNamed = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object isDynamic = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object annotations = $ceylon$language.dart$default, $dart$core.Object unit = $ceylon$language.dart$default]) : this.$s((() {
Error: Compilation failed.
ceylon assemble-dart: dart2js reported an error.
The assembling tool of the java backend of version 1.3.2 doesn't work correctly either. Possibly those issues are related.
Ooops, looks like recent versions of Dart are not happy with using Function
as an identifier. This should be easy to fix.
Thanks for the report.
Ok, it has nothing to do with https://github.com/ceylon/ceylon/issues/6956 ?!
Right, they don't share any code.
@welopino as a workaround, you can use Dart version 1.19.1.
Working example, using node
to run a Ceylon/Dart program:
jvasileff@tau:tmp.Yboq6CCf$ cat source/simple/run.ceylon
"Run the module `simple`."
shared void run() {
jvasileff@tau:tmp.Yboq6CCf$ ceylon compile-dart simple
Note: Created module simple/1.0.0
jvasileff@tau:tmp.Yboq6CCf$ ceylon assemble-dart --mode=js simple
Dart file (/var/folders/cw/vkgzjns15b14q4r5g992gwdw0000gn/T/ceylon-run-dart4054175707493727852/simple/simple.dart) compiled to JavaScript: /var/folders/cw/vkgzjns15b14q4r5g992gwdw0000gn/T/5488022163303916103.tmp
Created executable Dart script simple.js
jvasileff@tau:tmp.Yboq6CCf$ cat /Users/jvasileff/Transient/dart/dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/preambles/d8.js simple.js > simple-node.js
jvasileff@tau:tmp.Yboq6CCf$ node simple-node.js
jvasileff@tau:tmp.Yboq6CCf$ dart --version
Dart VM version: 1.19.1 (Wed Sep 7 08:59:17 2016) on "macos_x64"
More on this here: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28610