Jake Varley
Jake Varley
@DavidWatkins as well.
Unfortunately GraspIt! currently runs a controller internally that sets DOF efforts based on current DOF values and desired DOF values. I have started to play with disabling that, but I...
Unfortunately, graspit_interface is not tagged. The master branch of graspit_interface matches the master branch of graspit. Maybe reclone them both and try again? If the problem persists there very well...
first run: ``` roslaunch pc_pipeline_launch pc_pipeline.launch ``` Then when everything starts up run: ``` result = pc_scene_completion_client.complete_scene('/depth/object_completion/') ``` you want to tell the client what topic to use to complete...
actually you will want to use: ``` result = pc_scene_completion_client.complete_scene('depth') ``` This is where the scene completion node determines how each segmented partial object will be completed. https://github.com/CRLab/pc_scene_completion/blob/master/src/scene_completion_node.cpp#L188 It is...
I feel like I am crazy. Aren't those lines already there?
This doesn't compile: Assertion failed: file '/home/jvarley/ros/graspit_temp/src/graspit_interface/msg/PlannerResult.msg' does not exist. Message: message file not found Can we break this down into several smaller commits?
I just followed the readme, and it built fine on 14.04/indigo. I can't replicate your error. maybe rm -rf your build and devel?
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15455178/qt4-cgal-parse-error-at-boost-join maybe downgrade boost?
make sure GraspIt! is installed and able to run on your machine: https://github.com/graspit-simulator/graspit ``` git clone https://github.com/graspit-simulator/graspit.git cd graspit mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j5 sudo make install...