vue-bot-ui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-bot-ui copied to clipboard

For the one who is finding a customizable chatbot UI.

Vue Bot UI

For the one who is finding a customizable chatbot UI.

I build for my private project, but I tried to bring as many options as I think someone need it, so feel free to use it.

Demo page is coming soon.

vue bot UI


npm install vue-bot-ui

// or
yarn add vue-bot-ui


Import & register the component

import { VueBotUI } from 'vue-bot-ui'

export default {
  components: {

And use it:

data () {
  return {
    data: [], // See Data example below
    botOptions: {
      // See the list of options below


List of available props to use in the component:

Name Type Default Description
messages Array [] Required. Data of Messages
options Object see below Some options to customize UI
bot-typing Boolean false If true, the bot typing indicator will show
input-disable Boolean false If true, message input will be disabled
is-open Boolean false If true, the board will open from init
open-delay Number undefined Delay before opening from init (in ms). Requires is-open to be true


List of available options to customize UI:

Name Type Default Description
botTitle String 'Chatbot' The bot name that will be shown on header of the board
colorScheme String '#1b53d0' Background color of bubble button & board header
textColor String '#fff' Color of bubble button icon & board header title
bubbleBtnSize Number 56 Size of bubble button (px)
animation Boolean true Set to false to disable animation of bubble button icon & board showing
boardContentBg String '#fff' Background color of board messages box
botAvatarSize Number 32 Size of bot avatar (px)
botAvatarImg String '' Avatar image
msgBubbleBgBot String '#f0f0f0' Background color of Bot message
msgBubbleColorBot String '#000' Text color of Bot message
msgBubbleBgUser String '#4356e0' Background color of user message
msgBubbleColorUser String '#fff' Text color of user message
inputPlaceholder String 'Message' The placeholder for message input
inputDisableBg String '#fff' Background color for the disabled input, mixed with opacity: 0.2
inputDisablePlaceholder String null Placeholder message for disabled input

Components & Events

This is the most important part you need to know, because you need these to integrate your bot API. Take a look my App.vue file if you need an example.


Name Params Description
init Fire everytime the board is opened
msg-send value (Object) Fire when user hit Send or select an option
destroy Fire when board is closed

Use msg-send to get the message from user and trigger request to bot API.

Trigger Events:

Name Description
botui-open To open the board
botui-close To close the board
botui-toggle To toggle open/close the board


Common pattern / Example data:

const messages = [
    agent: 'bot', // Required. 'bot' or 'user'
    type: 'text', // Required. Bubble message component type: 'text' / 'button'
    text: 'Hello. How can I help you', // Required. The message
    disableInput: false, // Disable message input or not
    agent: 'user',
    type: 'text', // always
    text: 'I need a new laptop',

Component list:

Current components supported by this package, path to files: components/MessageBubble/..

  • SingleText - type: 'text'
  agent: 'bot',
  type: 'text',
  text: 'Hello. How can I help you',
  disableInput: false,
  • ButtonOptions - type: 'button'
  agent: 'bot',
  type: 'button',
  text: 'Select the option below',
  disableInput: true,
  options: [
      text: 'Open Google',
      value: '',
      action: 'url'
      text: 'Submit Support Ticket',
      value: 'submit_ticket',
      action: 'postback' // Request to API
  • Other components are coming soon...


List of available slots:

Name Description
header Board header, that contains Bot name.
actions The slot beside Send button in the input message. You can add extra actions here (emoji, attach,...)
sendButton Send button icon, you can change it to text.
bubbleButton Bubble button that contains BubbleIcon & CloseIcon as default.
botTyping Bot Typing message bubble that contains 3 dots indicator as default.

Not found what your need?

You can overwrite the CSS by class name. Each type and state has separate class for you to customize.

Feature request: Feel free to open an issue to ask for a new feature.

Developers / Build

# Clone repo
git clone

# Install packages

# Development & Demo - http://localhost:1901
yarn serve

# Build main library
yarn build-bundle


Many things...

  • ~~Events~~
  • ~~Loading / Typing indicators~~
  • ~~Disable message input on loading, vice versa...~~
  • Properties for target of button options
  • Add more message bubble components (video, images,...)
  • Add more events
  • Test
  • Accessibility



Thank you! :tada: