mach copied to clipboard
mach fails with error on non-existent classpath dir
minimal Machfile.edn to reproduce the error
{mach/dependencies [[aero "1.1.2"]]
hello (println "Hello")}
Writing Mach classpath to .mach/cp
throw ex;
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.mach/cp'
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:652:18)
at fs.readFileSync (fs.js:553:33)
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:4299:43
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:4346:43
at mach$core$preprocess_dependencies_$_state_machine__4__auto____1 (evalmachine.<anonymous>:4367:4)
at mach$core$preprocess_dependencies_$_state_machine__4__auto__ (evalmachine.<anonymous>:4383:72)
at cljs$core$async$impl$ioc_helpers$run_state_machine (evalmachine.<anonymous>:90:74)
at cljs$core$async$impl$ioc_helpers$run_state_machine_wrapped (evalmachine.<anonymous>:93:63)
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:4398:67
at Immediate.cljs$core$async$impl$dispatch$process_messages [as _onImmediate] (evalmachine.<anonymous>:16:6)
- node 8.7.0
- mach 1.4.7
- lumo 0.20.6
This is on OS X Sierra.
Just bumped into this on a new install. Did you manage to get his moving at all?
Not entirely sure what i did, but a new terminal seemed to help.
In the meantime, I've had the same issue on Arch Linux. Some fiddling around with node and lumo versions and then suddenly it works, but I can't remember what exactly solved it.
I'm on Arch and that pretty much sums up what did... Next time I'm starting over I'll take better notes.