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load-config with alternate "environment" maps?
I'd like to propose a modification to "load-config" that optionally allows the caller to supply a function to look up the environment variables. Doing so would support use cases where the developer has adopted adzerk-oss/env or weavejester/environ or whatever is their favorite "12 factor app" style environment configuration lib.
So essentially, something like this
(defn load-config
([r] (load-config r System/getenv))
([r lookup]
(edn/read {:readers {'env (fn [x] (lookup (str x)))
'envf (fn [[fmt & args]]
(apply format fmt
(map #(lookup (str %)) args)))}}
(PushbackReader. (io/reader r)))))
allowing the user to optionally supply the lookup as a lambda like so
(load-config r #(get (adzerk.env/env) %))
I haven't thought through the joplin.alias use case... Ideally the same "lookup" substitution would work there too.