Bartosz Cylwik
Bartosz Cylwik
Hi! The `#3b71ca` is our primary color that we use by our design. You can customize your component via class customization (`data-te-class-...`) or If you would rather change the whole...
I see some of the classes are written by hand instead of use the `primary` code. We'll update that in 2.0.0 where we will be updating some of the theming...
Hello! If you would like to add the class customization elements as a data attributes you have to use the `kebab-case` instead of `pascalCase` that is used in the API...
Hi! What bunder are you using? Vite seems to handle charts pretty well and do not include their unused file to the build. I think I've seen this issue with...
Hi. If I understand correctly the `v-if` directive is beeing added to the sidenav component right? At the moment of calling the `initTE` method the sidenav does not exist yet...
Did you try to add the `allowReinits` option? Maybe the `initTE` did see the init for sidenav before and is blocking this one. `initTE({ Sidenav, Input }, { allowReinits: true...
It should not have any negative effects. The `initTE` method does basically the same thing - it just looks for the data attribute inside your app that is beeing used...
Hi @Ischafak . The best thing would be to call the `initTE({Collapse})` method inside some Parent component so that you won't have to call it in multiple places and won't...
TW Elements, being a Vanilla JS package, might face challenges with frameworks that dynamically update components, such as Livewire. In such cases, component reinitialization could be necessary (although I can't...
Hi! I guess something is wrong here. Thanks for letting us know about the issue.