scala-faker copied to clipboard
Release builds for Scala 2.12
Hi! I'm currently upgrading my application and one of the dependencies that does not yet have published artifacts for Scala 2.12 is your scala-faker. Could you release a build for 2.12 please?
Because apparently this isn't of any priority to the original author, I've published this package to my own repo based on the fork/pull request by Eldius: . Hope someone finds it useful.
"qwiksense-misc" at "", // scala-faker
Package name:
"se.qwiksen" %% "scala-faker" % "0.5-QWIKSENSE" % Test
Agreed, it seems the original author doesn't have time to maintain this repo. I found the faker gem very useful in my ruby jobs so I'd like to see it continue to be useful in scala land.
I've merged all the outstanding PRs (#4, #6, #8, #9) to a fork at bitblitconsulting and done some general updating to the build to bring it from sbt-0.12 to sbt-0.13 standards.
I've also cut a 0.4 release and published on sonatype/maven central:
"it.bitbl" %% "scala-faker" % "0.4" % Test
Ruby's faker has undergone a lot of developent since this repo was last maintained; my intention is to bring the new categories of fakes over here too - contributions and pull requests will be gladly accepted!