Justus Schock

Results 27 issues of Justus Schock

Hi, I regularly add large directories with many many files to dvc storages. All works fine, but I just don't know how long it takes. Most of the steps are...


Transforms are love, transforms are live...

won't fix

In opposite to what you say in the section > A nn.module can be used on input data in two ways whereas the latter one is commonly used for better...

Expected Behavior ================= A fully working image (just as the original) --- Actual Behavior ================= The size reduced nicely, but it's not working. ``` -> docker run nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch.slim /etc/shinit_v2: line...

`DeliraConfig({"a": {"b": 2}, "b":2})` should work since the "b" keys are on a different dict-level. However this results in `ValueError: b already in config. Can not overwrite value.`


Introduce function similar to `build_optim_fn`

new feature

Right now our experiments only cover how to train networks with different backends. We should add a notebook containing the whole training pipeline (including training, resume, test (and maybe even...

We should definately check where to give what argument (and maybe expose more keyword arguments) in experiment (Possible ways are to pass arguments via keyword or parameter object in `__init__.py`...

in progress

`DistributedDataParallel` is reported to be faster for most networks compared to `DataParallel` (Up to 30%)

new feature

We should change saving for TF Graoh and TF Eager to [`tf.train.Checkpoint`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/Checkpoint)

new feature
help wanted