video_thumbnail copied to clipboard
Get the video thumbnail exception on ios
Gets the image as null on thumbnailFile. The thumbnailFile method does not set the thumbnailPath parameter. path is nsnull,Is not null
Thanks for the patch. @bhjSky Why don't check the thumbnailPath parameter at the first place?
many ios developers have the same problem.
thumbnailFile | String [video], String [thumbnailPath](folder or full path where to store the thumbnail file, null to save to same folder as the video file), ImageFormat imageFormat, int [maxHeight](0: for the original resolution of the video, or scaled by the source aspect ratio), int [maxWidth](0: for the original resolution of the video, or scaled by the source aspect ratio), int [timeMs] generates the thumbnail from the frame around the specified millisecond, int quality | creates a file of the thumbnail from the [video |
when set this thumbnailPath as default, it will cause crash.
Leave the thumbnailPathl
as null means the generated thumbnail image into the folder as what the thmbnailFile
You have to make sure the folder has the write permissions for this App.