Dan Levy

Results 48 issues of Dan Levy

To prevent prematurely creating Promises and exhausting resurces, we'll start our Promise chain by simply passing our parent function's params (`ids` array) into Bluebird `.map` handler calling our api method...


Demonstrate a few ways to use closures for sharing variables over boundaries. Don't write code like this - ok if you cant re-order function calls, or a use a context-free...


I believe this relates to #124 . On my Mac all shortcuts to scroll by keyboard are broken - spacebar, page down, page up (option+up). Page Start & End _do...

Jest sometimes ignores the pakage.json's entry/main values. It tries to import a `.ts` path at runtime: `aws-sdk-client-mock/src/sinon.ts` I've looked at the compiled JS on NPM, and there's no obvious issue...

Dear ml5 community, 👋 I'm making a Pull Request(PR). Please see the details below. ### → Step 1: Which branch are you submitting to? 🌲 > Release (for bug fixes)...

The syntax for first-position optional parameters in function signatures can confuse newbies and devs from other languages. The `gulp.task` API is so important that clarity & completeness should have a...

### At the bottom, "All controls"

Hey Winzer, Can you integrate your questions from here: https://gist.github.com/matt-winzer/03e6a4c0d637a6f58ee6513eac8f53ba into https://github.com/justsml/guides/tree/master/interviews/passing-the-tech-screen ❤️

- [ ] Description - [ ] Add gifs - [ ] Punctuation/formatting - [ ] Improve contact/bio section - [ ] Clean up descriptions (e.g. 'monk seed script') ##...