go-markdown2confluence icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
go-markdown2confluence copied to clipboard

Push markdown files to Confluence Cloud


Push markdown files to Confluence Cloud

Build Status


Download the latest release and add the binary in your local PATH

  • Linux

    curl -LO https://github.com/justmiles/go-markdown2confluence/releases/download/v3.4.6/go-markdown2confluence_3.4.6_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
    sudo tar -xzvf go-markdown2confluence_3.4.6_linux_x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ markdown2confluence
  • OSX

    curl -LO https://github.com/justmiles/go-markdown2confluence/releases/download/v3.4.6/go-markdown2confluence_3.4.6_darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
    sudo tar -xzvf go-markdown2confluence_3.4.6_darwin_x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ markdown2confluence
  • Windows

    Download the latest release and add to your system PATH

Use with Docker

docker run justmiles/markdown2confluence --version

Build using docker

docker run -v $PWD:/src -w /src goreleaser/goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist

Environment Variables

For best practice we recommend you authenticate using an API token.

However, you may also use Personal Access Tokens, which may help if your company uses SSO.

  • CONFLUENCE_USERNAME - username for Confluence Cloud. When using API tokens set this to your full email.
  • CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD - API token or password for Confluence Cloud
  • CONFLUENCE_ENDPOINT - endpoint for Confluence Cloud, eg https://mycompanyname.atlassian.net/wiki
  • CONFLUENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN - Bearer access token to use (instead of API token)


Push markdown files to Confluence Cloud

  markdown2confluence [flags]

  -a, --access-token string   Confluence access-token. (Alternatively set CONFLUENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable)
  -c, --comment string        (Optional) Add comment to page
  -d, --debug                 Enable debug logging
  -e, --endpoint string       Confluence endpoint. (Alternatively set CONFLUENCE_ENDPOINT environment variable) (default "https://mydomain.atlassian.net/wiki")
  -x, --exclude strings       list of exclude file patterns (regex) for that will be applied on markdown file paths
  -w, --hardwraps             Render newlines as <br />
  -h, --help                  help for markdown2confluence
  -i, --insecuretls           Skip certificate validation. (e.g. for self-signed certificates)
  -m, --modified-since int    Only upload files that have modifed in the past n minutes
      --parent string         Optional parent page to nest content under
  -p, --password string       Confluence password. (Alternatively set CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD environment variable)
  -s, --space string          Space in which page should be created
  -t, --title string          Set the page title on upload (defaults to filename without extension)
      --use-document-title    Will use the Markdown document title (# Title) if available
  -u, --username string       Confluence username. (Alternatively set CONFLUENCE_USERNAME environment variable)
      --version               version for markdown2confluence


Upload a local directory of markdown files called markdown-files to Confluence.

markdown2confluence \
  --space 'MyTeamSpace' \

Upload the same directory, but only those modified in the last 30 minutes. This is particurlarly useful for cron jobs/recurring one-way syncs.

markdown2confluence \
  --space 'MyTeamSpace' \
  --modified-since 30 \

Upload a single file

markdown2confluence \
  --space 'MyTeamSpace' \

Upload a directory of markdown files in space MyTeamSpace under the parent page API Docs

markdown2confluence \
  --space 'MyTeamSpace' \
  --parent 'API Docs' \

Upload a directory of markdown files in space MyTeamSpace under a nested parent page Docs/API and exclude mardown files/directories that match .*generated.* or .*temp.md

markdown2confluence \
  --space 'MyTeamSpace' \
  --parent 'API/Docs' \
  --exclude '.*generated.*' \
  --exclude '.*temp.md' \

Upload a directory of markdown files in space MyTeamSpace under the parent page API Docs and use the markdown document-title instead of the filname as document title (if available) in Confluence.

markdown2confluence \
  --space 'MyTeamSpace' \
  --parent 'API Docs' \
  --use-document-title \


It is possible to insert Confluence macros using fenced code blocks. The "language" for this is CONFLUENCE-MACRO, exactly like that in all-caps. Here is an example for a ToC macro using all headlines starting at Level 2:

    # Title


    ## Section 1

In general almost all macros should be possible. The general syntax is:

    name:Name of Macro
    schema-version:Schema Version (use `1`)
      attribute:Value of Attribute
      parameter-name:Value of Parameter
      next-parameter:Value of Parameter

So a fully fledged macro could look like:


Which will translate to:

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="toc" ac:schema-version="1" >
  <ac:parameter ac:name="maxLevel">5</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="minLevel">2</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="exclude">Beispiel.*</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="style">none</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="type">flat</ac:parameter>
  <ac:parameter ac:name="separator">pipe</ac:parameter>