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error when reading worksheets, the indexes of the columns read in dart do not match excel, it is as if the columns change order randomly

Open insinfo opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

error when reading spreadsheets, the indexes of the columns read in dart do not match excel, which makes it impossible to import to the database because there is inconsistency, it is as if the columns change order randomly.

given this worksheet.



the reading result is this: see that the columns do not match


void main(List<String> args) async {

  var spreadsheetFilePath =
      'C:/MyDartProjects/notifis/notifis_backend/db/planilhas/AUTO DE INFRACAO e AUTO DE CONSTATACAO.xlsx';
  var bytes = File(spreadsheetFilePath).readAsBytesSync();
  var excel = Excel.decodeBytes(bytes);
  var worksheetsNames = excel.tables.keys;
  for (var sheetName in worksheetsNames) {
    if (sheetName == 'AUTO DE INFRACAO') {
      var sheet = excel.tables[sheetName];
      var sheetRows = sheet.rows;
      var rowsLength = sheetRows.length;

      for (var idx = 0; idx < rowsLength; idx++) {
        var row = sheetRows[idx];
        // print(" ${row.map((e) => '${e?.value}').join(' | ')}");
            "${row[0]?.value} | ${row[1]?.value} | ${row[2]?.value} | ${row[3]?.value} | ${row[4]?.value} | ${row[5]?.value} | ${row[6]?.value} | ${row[7]?.value} | ${row[8]?.value}");

the column with the value "ENEL" was supposed to be in index 2 but to be in index 4, there is also a confusion regarding row data appearing in the wrong row and wrong column.

insinfo avatar May 31 '22 18:05 insinfo

The Lib is experiencing errors when importing the data, shuffling the information displaying in incorrect order.

alexandremcp avatar May 31 '22 18:05 alexandremcp

same problem here

ldsouza93 avatar Jun 27 '22 20:06 ldsouza93

Hi. Will need to look out for this issue, as am hoping to be able to use this library -- so thanks for the heads-up. I think the issue may be related to async/futures, in that some column/row(s) are processed quicker and return faster than previous calls. There may be ways around this? no async expert, but maybe an id could be passed as part of the request, then re-ordered after all columns/rows are returned. More familiar with networking where bytes can be received out of order across the network and then the need to reorder these before presentation levels.

May be wrong about the above, looking at the office open xml spec there are indexes stored on the cell, i.e. 'r="C1"' which may help, if accessible/exposed by the library to reorder content. Maybe that when a user moves columns or rows in the sheet the underlying excel xml does not always reorder the position and only updates the 'r' values.

Personally I think I should study both JustKawals code and the xml spec so I know how to handle issues like the above.

d3ndesign avatar Jul 03 '22 23:07 d3ndesign

Sorry for the trouble. Can you please confirm that are you having this trouble in latest version: excel: 2.0.1

justkawal avatar Dec 17 '22 15:12 justkawal

Sorry for the trouble. Can you please confirm that are you having this trouble in latest version: excel: 2.0.1

version 2.0.1 has the problem

YancyHsu avatar Feb 04 '23 08:02 YancyHsu

i am working on a project to extract some data from an excel file, when the project was almost done i noticed that some rows had "shifted" the array one step and was giving me the data from the wrong cell. I have tried changeing the data in the excel file, changed the order of the rows but it just wont give me the correct data, at this point i dont know how to proceed. Is there a another package i can try?

DaKar00 avatar Feb 14 '23 18:02 DaKar00

I have the same problem. Could not find any solutions

navyzhou926 avatar Feb 16 '23 06:02 navyzhou926

same issue

marcoredz avatar Mar 03 '23 10:03 marcoredz

Same issue

youssefhegab14 avatar Mar 15 '23 02:03 youssefhegab14

same issue, any updates?

danielR2001 avatar May 01 '23 17:05 danielR2001

@FauconSpartiate @justkawal @take4blue any updates?

insinfo avatar May 24 '23 20:05 insinfo

Nope, but any help from anyone that is motivated is welcome 👍

FauconSpartiate avatar May 24 '23 20:05 FauconSpartiate

@YancyHsu @insinfo @danielR2001 @youssefhegab14 @marcoredz @navyzhou926 @DaKar00 @ldsouza93

I managed to reproduce the error with the test file on the original comment, but only on 2.0.0-null-safety-3. On all versions since 2.0.1, the columns seem to be at the right index. Are you sure that you're using the latest version of the package? Are you using the correct version dependency excel: ^2.0.0 in your pubspec.yaml and have executed flutter pub upgrade in your terminal? If yes, could you provide another file where the issue is still reproducible?

FauconSpartiate avatar May 30 '23 14:05 FauconSpartiate

Closing, as this has been fixed.

FauconSpartiate avatar Oct 28 '23 07:10 FauconSpartiate

I just did a test with version 3.0.0 and it seems to be working correctly now



import 'dart:io';
import 'package:excel/excel.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

void main(List<String> args) async {
  final url =
  final resp = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));

  final bytes = resp.bodyBytes;
  final excel = Excel.decodeBytes(bytes);
  final worksheetsNames = excel.tables.keys;
  for (var sheetName in worksheetsNames) {
    if (sheetName == 'AUTO DE INFRACAO') {
      final sheet = excel.tables[sheetName]!;
      final sheetRows = sheet.rows;
      final rowsLength = sheetRows.length;

      for (var idx = 0; idx < rowsLength; idx++) {
        final row = sheetRows[idx];
        // print(" ${row.map((e) => '${e?.value}').join(' | ')}");
            '${row[0]?.value} | ${row[1]?.value} | ${row[2]?.value} | ${row[3]?.value} | ${row[4]?.value} | ${row[5]?.value} | ${row[6]?.value} | ${row[7]?.value} | ${row[8]?.value}');

insinfo avatar Oct 28 '23 20:10 insinfo