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A Purescript library for working with fetch for HTTP requests


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A library for working with the Fetch API both in the Browser and on Node via node-fetch, for all your HTTP request needs.

Aptly named for the greatest soft drink of all time, Milkis.

Read the guide to learn how to use this library.


npm install --save node-fetch

bower install --save purescript-milkis


See the tests

Example Usage

I use Milkis in my ytcasts project in order to download HTML from a Youtube page:

downloadCasts ::
  forall e.
  DBConnection ->
  Url ->
    (Program e)
    (Array CastStatus)
downloadCasts conn (Url url) = do
  res <- text =<< fetch url defaultFetchOptions
  case getCasts res of
    Right casts -> for casts $ downloadCast conn
    Left e -> do
      errorShow e
      pure []



To use this library, you'll have to use a value of FetchImpl, which is a foreign data type. This library provides two bindings via the modules Milkis.Impl.Window and Milkis.Impl.Node. You may choose to bring your own, typing a foreign import as FetchImpl.

You can partially apply the function Milkis.fetch to get a value of Fetch. For example, with Node you could do this:

import Milkis as M
import Milkis.Impl.Node (nodeFetch)

fetch :: M.Fetch
fetch = M.fetch nodeFetch


Fetch is simply a type alias:

type Fetch
   = forall options trash
   . Union options trash Options
  => URL
  -> Record (method :: Method | options)
  -> Aff Response

What this signature says is given some type varaibles options and trash where there is a Union of options and trash together to form Options, we have a function that takes URL and a record with a method :: Method field and the fields specified in options to return an Aff Response. Let's look at the definition of Options:

type Options =
  ( method :: Method
  , body :: String
  , headers :: Headers
  , credentials :: Credentials

So what the Union constraint does here is declare that options must have some subset of this row type, and that there exists some trash row type that is the complement. For more reading about Union, you might want to read a post about it here: https://github.com/justinwoo/my-blog-posts#unions-for-partial-properties-in-purescript

How using Fetch works

Let's see an example of this at work:

main = do
  _response <- Aff.attempt $ fetch (M.URL "https://www.google.com") M.defaultFetchOptions
  case _response of
    Left e -> do
      fail $ "failed with " <> show e
    Right response -> do
      stuff <- M.text response
      let code = M.statusCode response
      code `shouldEqual` 200
      String.null stuff `shouldEqual` false

Let's also peek at the definition of defaultFetchOptions:

defaultFetchOptions :: { method :: Method }
defaultFetchOptions =
  { method: getMethod

So in this case, we chose to only supply method :: Method and it worked. Let's see how this works with a POST request:

main = do
    opts =
      { method: M.postMethod
      , body: "{}"
      , headers: M.makeHeaders { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
  result <- attempt $ fetch (M.URL "https://www.google.com") opts
  isRight result `shouldEqual` true

This time, we provided a body for the post method along with some headers. If we look at the type of makeHeaders, we can get a better idea of what is happening:

  :: forall r . Homogeneous r String
  => Record r
  -> Headers

Here, makeHeaders allows us to create headers from a homogeneous record of String types using the Homogeneous class from Typelevel Prelude.

By using these constraints, we are able to use Fetch in quite flexible ways that don't require having a large set of default options to be overridden. If you understand the content of this page, you'll be able to tackle any problems you run into with this library and understand how to use Union-based approaches in general.

For the browser usage, you should really only need to do fetch = M.fetch windowFetch and be on your way, so please look through the tests for examples of how to use this library.