react-audio-player copied to clipboard
Make playback state controlled
Right now, if we want to control the play state of an element, we would have to use the actual DOM element using ref:
Seeing as this library is a wrapper it would be great if the various controls are exposed through more idiomatic react code, i.e.:
<ReactAudioPlayer state={ReactAudioPlayer.STATE.PLAYING} /> // or paused/stopped
This is like the number 1 thing I would expect from a react component for an audio player
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import ReactAudioPlayer from 'react-audio-player'
export default function AudioPlayer({
playback: { playing, muted },
}) {
const playerRef = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
if (playing) {
} else {
}, [playing])
return (
AudioPlayer.propTypes = {
playback: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
src: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
This approach results in a race condition when manipulating playback state with this approach and by directly interacting with the player simultaneously. play() and pause() are asynchronous, and it seems that higher "priority" is given to changes to player state from interacting with the player itself than to the changes to player state caused by this approach. I do not think this is a viable path forward for anyone hoping to "fully React-ify" the audio component.