twitter-scraper copied to clipboard
Scrape restricted twitter accounts
Can this scraper scrape tweets like ?
To remove the need to click "show sensitive content anyways", it would need to...
- Login just like
- Go to
- Check the "show sensitive" box in
<input name="search-settings-nsfw" checked="" class="SearchSettings-toggleInput SearchSettings-toggleInput--sensitive" type="checkbox">
- click "submit" in
<button id="settings_save" class="EdgeButton EdgeButton--primary EdgeButton--medium" type="submit" disabled="">Save changes</button>
It isn't designed to scrape accounts with sensitive contents.
@justinlittman but it can be modified to do so, as it uses Selenium. All it has to do is login, no?
Yes, I believe so. However, I don't believe that you can hydrate protected tweets from Twitter's API (though I could be mistaken).
I think you can hydrate protected tweets from API if your account follows the protected account (but i'm also not sure about this and need to double check in case this changed).
Protected tweets don't appear at all in searches though, so you can't display from:protected_account
It is possible to "login" and get tweets that may be hidden as "sensitive" - I have that half working in my fork.