Justin Fagnani

Results 256 issues of Justin Fagnani

lit-html 2.0 has a more sophisticated HTML tokenizer which allows us to correctly identify what syntactic position an expression is in and insert the appropriate marker so that the HTML...

We're working on lit-html 2.0 right now in a branch here: https://github.com/Polymer/lit-html/tree/lit-next It's also published to npm with the `@next-major` tag: https://www.npmjs.com/package/lit-html/v/2.0.0-pre.3 There aren't a great many changes that would...

The CLI and library have different stability characteristics - usage as a library may have breaking changes in cases where usage as a CLI won't, and vice-versa. Splitting the packages...

In order to use an element you need to know what module to import. The custom-elements.json output doesn't include this at the moment.

This is starting to output the schema I proposed in https://github.com/webcomponents/custom-elements-json/pull/9/files Watch out, it's not pretty code :)

Properties and methods are actual members of the component class. Attributes are not represented in the JavaScript object model. The current organization of properties and attributes being collected into members...

```ts export class TextField extends HTMLElement { size?: 'type'|'large'; } ``` The type is reported as `"type": "\"type\" | \"large\""`, but should be `"type": "\"type\" | \"large\" | undefined"`.

For subclassing developers will need to see the protected fields they can access.

For programmatic use, one of the simplest APIs I can think of would be to analyze a TypeScript project either by folder, or by reference to tsconfig.json file. The entrypoint,...

# Suggestion Reduce repeated code for modules that augment global interface like `HTMLElementTagNameMap` by letting functions and decorators declare how they augment the interface. ## 🔍 Search Terms - HTMLElementTagNameMap...