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Observable alternative using async iterators


Observable alternative using async iterators


npm i async-broadcaster


It's a common requirement to let users subscribe to new values that are produced asynchronously. Often we reach for an observable library (RxJS, zen-observable, Wonka, etc.) to manage subscriptions and allow broadcasting of new values, but full observable implementations may be overkill for simple subscriptions. Observable also bring along a new API, when JavaScript already has an standard API for consuming asynchronous values: async iterables.

What's needed to enable consumers to use async iterables is a way for producers to make async iterables that can be listened to by multiple listeners and correctly handle buffering, unsubscription, etc.

This is what AsyncBroadcaster does.

AsyncBroadcaster takes a single async iterable and adapts it to allow multiple listeners.


  • Supports multiple listeners
  • Buffers values for slow listeners
  • Efficiently clears the buffer of values seen by all listeners
  • Supports AbortSignal for cancelling iteration
  • Automatically cleans up when listeners break or return from for/await...of loops


import {AsyncBroadcaster} from 'async-broadcaster';

async function* makeOneHundred() {
  for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    yield i;

const broadcaster = new AsyncBroadcaster(makeOneHundred());

// listen to broadcast values

// We can listen more than once

async function logValues(iterable) {
  // listening is done with anything that can consume async iterables, like
  // a for/await-of loop:
  for await (const o of iterable) {

Pairs well with IxJS

Async iterables don't have the functional methods that Array does like map(), reduce(), or filter(), nor the common reactive operators like count(), zip(), etc.

These can be imported from a library that works with any async iterable, such as IxJS.

import { filter, map } from 'ix/asynciterable/operators';

const results = from(broadcaster.iterable).pipe(
  filter(async x => x % 2 === 0),
  map(async x => x * x)

for await (let item of results) {
  console.log(`Next: ${item}`);