devise_mailchimp copied to clipboard
Easy MailChimp integration for Devise
= Devise MailChimp
Devise MailChimp adds a MailChimp option to {devise}[] that easily enables users to join your mailing list when they create an account.
{Delayed Job}[] is used automatically if your project uses it, and the mapping between list names and list ids is cached automatically.
== Getting started
In your Gemfile, add devise_mailchimp after devise:
gem "devise" gem "devise_mailchimp" # Last officially released gem
In your User model, add :mailchimp to the devise call and make :join_mailing_list accessible:
devise :database_authenticatable, ..., :mailchimp attr_accessible :join_mailing_list
In your devise initializer (config/initializers/devise.rb), set your API key and mailing list name:
Devise.mailchimp_api_key = 'your_api_key'
Devise.mailing_list_name = 'List Name'
Devise.double_opt_in = false
Devise.send_welcome_email = false
If you are using the default Devise registration views, the Join Mailing List checkbox is added automatically, if not, either include the form partial in your new registration form:
<%= render :partial => "devise/shared/mailchimp/form", :locals => {:form => f} %>
Or manually add a "Join Mailing List" checkbox to your new registration form:
<%= form.check_box :join_mailing_list %>
If you are using Simple Form, you can use:
<%= f.input :join_mailing_list, :as => :boolean %>
== Configuration
Create an initializer, and set your MailChimp API key. To generate a new API key, go to the account tab in your MailChimp account and select API Keys & Authorized Apps, then add a key.
Devise.mailchimp_api_key = 'your_api_key'
Create a mailing list, and set the mailing list name in the initializer. To create a MailChimp list, from your account go to the Lists tab, then hit create list.
Devise.mailing_list_name = 'List Name'
Add options from the {MailChimp API Docs}[] using the following code in user.rb model. For GROUPINGS, you can get the Group ID by clicking "import to" and looking at the URL
def mailchimp_list_subscribe_options {'FNAME' => self.first_name, 'LNAME' => self.last_name, 'GROUPINGS'=> { 0 => {'id' => 9999, 'groups' => "Signed Up" } } } end
For all the configuration settings, take a look at the {model documenation}[].
== Documentation
Full documentation is available at {}[].
== Demo Application
A demo application is available at {github}[].
== Example Usage
Users will join the default mailing list if join_mailing_list is set to true when the user is created. To manually add a user:
User.find(1).add_to_mailchimp_list('Site Administrators List')
To manually remove a user:
User.find(1).remove_from_mailchimp_list('Site Administrators List')
NOTE: You MUST have the users permission to add them to a mailing list.
== Customization
To have the user join more than one list, or to override the lists that the user will join, override mailchimp_lists_to_join in your model. Your method should return a single list, or an array of lists.
def mailchimp_lists_to_join lists = ["Site Users List"] lists << "Site Admins List" if admin? return lists end
If all users will join the same list or lists, just set the mailing_list_name configuration option.
== Contributions
Please help this software improve by submitting pull requests, preferably with tests.
View our {contributors}[].
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 {Justin Cunningham}[]. See MIT_LICENSE for details.